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TeabagChampion Blog

WET and DiRT 2

On September the 15th (my birthday) I picked up a few titles. These titles were WET and DiRT 2. OK, I normally dont like to write reviews on games because I feel that they normally get over looked so I rather blog about it.

Dirt 2 is a great title. I think that it should get a 9.5. Dirt 2 offers a friendly setting for people that have never ever picked up a controller and played a racing game in theire sad lives. The game is also strait to the point. Pick a place, pick a car, and start to race. The settings arent of those like in Grand Turrismo, but than again its based on rally racing so you really dont need to fine tune anything. However, if you want, you can select the different types of setting that you would like to add to your already tuned ride.

WET on the other hand was alright. I would give the game a 8.5 tops. I feel that the game did great in getting the movie theme going on along side with the voice acting and the music. The game looks and feels somewhat like a Quinten Terrentino film. The only two problems that I felt with WET was that the bullets really dont do much damage. I found myself shooting this one guy in the head like 12 times and I didnt even get a head shot. I wish I would had recorded it so that you guys can see what I'm talking about. The other one was that for the first 20 minutes of gameplay, I ran into a world of glitches. Thattoo turned me off. The game at one point was in my opinion too repetative and a lot of the action was somewhat expected. Almost like if you knew you got a shoe box with shoes in it for Christmas, and once you open the gift, you come to realize that you infact got shoes.

Wow! Whats next?

I think that we can all agree that September brought out a lot of hot titles. Games for all systems and PC are all coming out for early fall and I could only ask myself whats next. September the 15th is my birthday and I'm going to be getting myself WET. My wife on the other hand got me DiRT 2, and yet it seems like thats not nearly "enuff". Can you guys come up with another game thats worth getting this month? Please, share it with us here.

Oh, my Game Spot Anniversery is coming up this month aswell. Sep 26.

When the Hype ends...

There epic games out there that get a lot of hype, and even years after they come out, you still hear about them getting DLC, special online events or face offs, and much much more. And then there are games that come out with so much hype, and in a two months period, you never hear from that game ever again. This has been something that has kept me from buying some of the games that I missed out on buying on the release dates. And it seems like no matter how well of a score the game gets, its just a dead beat/game of the past games.

Hype is something that companies and sites use to penetrate the flush of consumers in a somewhat greedy market, making the product seem like something that the general public is lacking or/and needs. There are some titles that I'm thinking about getting for the remainder of this year and I just hope that they aren't just hyped. Sometimes playing some of these titles come with a big dead end and leads to getting ripped off at a Game Stop when you go return it for some kind of credit and figure out that you are only going to get $12 for a title that cost a good $60.

Bionic Commando is a pretty good example of what I'm talking about.

Apple Products... Just a Thought

I happen to have a few things made by apple, and I found it pretty funny how almost ever product is called "I" something. For example, I own a Ipod touch, an Ipod, and an Ibook. But I just thought that everything would sound funny if it kept the "i" infront, and ended with a "u". Like

I Pod U, or I book U, or I touch U.

just a though.

Most Wanted

I think it was a few months ago where I came up with a list of titles that I'm looking foward in getting before the end of this year is over with. I must admit that the list is getting longer and longer and thats not to mention the fact that there are alot of games and DLC that are coming out. So far this is what I was able to put together.


WET 9/8/09

Darkvoid 9/22/09 (moved to 2010)

Uncharted 2 10/1/09

Borderlands 10/20/09

Assasins Creed 2 11/17/09

The Saboteur 12/8/09

a few DLC but I wont go into posting that. However, I might blog about it in the near future.

Sir Blog Alot

Now that my boss is not around due his 3 week vacation, I get to blog on gamespot alot more than the usual. The problem is that I'm still having issues at work with him and only 3 people normally respond to my blog/s. Anyways, I think I'm going to be putting together the most wanted lest for the second half of the year for both the PS3 and the Wii. Do you guys have any choices you might want to share? Let me know. Good Gaming!

Trophies V.S Gamer Points

This is the first time ever that two gaming councles offer some sort of insentive for trying to do something out of the ordinary with your soft wear. Sometimes, they are a given, and sometimes it requiers you to do something that you would have normally not done at all. Does gamer points or trophies change the way that you play? I believe it does chang the way you play, and in some cases, it might even take you the long way to compleat the game.

I for one am a trophi hunter. And thats because I currently own a PS3. I guess you can say that things haven't changed since my 360 days with the gamer points. But the one thing that I find awesome is trying to get the platnum trophies. So far I only have one and there are a few games where I'm only missing 2 or even 3 just to get it. So you are by now asking yourself why dont I have more. The answer to your question is the fact that I have very little time on my hands. Working a full time job that I've grown to hate takes up,... well... 40 hours if not more a week. Than when I get home, I have to dedicate some time to my wife and child. I sometimes get an extra hour or two if they are sleeping or visiting friends. But whatever the case may be I still enjoy playing the game/s to the core.

But my question to the general public is the following; Do you like Gamer Points over Trophies, or is the Trophies system a better system for you over Gamer Points?

Why Not?

After finding out that Bioshock 2 was not coming out this year, all I was able to ask myself was "why not"? The game would have made an amazing holiday gift and just in time when everyone and their mothers go out shopping for someone. The reason why I feel dissapointed is due to the fact that my wife was going to be getting it for me later on this year. Now my dreams are shattered just because take 2 wants to push it to the following year. (sniff sniff) just kidding. I felt that I had to add some drama to this. However, I am still rater very dissapointed. Oh well, I guess I'm going to have to update my list of most wanted for 09 and 2010.

Problems at Work

I work at a none for profit site as a Parent Coordinator and a Event Planner. For the past 2 months, I've been working in a summer camp in which is out of my job discription. My boss has been giving me endless amount of responsability that do not in any way shape or form belong in the nature of my job title. After dissapointing him (as he claims) with the task at hand, he later went on to talk about it in front of others which in my opinion shows very little leadership skills and clearly demondstraits and act of being out of character. I later recollected all of my thoughts and kept them sealed behind my lips in fear of responding in such way may get me in trouble or even fired. So now I'm trying very hard to find another job before I leave this one. And talking to the companies CEO about this topic has not been thought of twice.

To help me get this out of my head which I must admit has been pretty tuff, I started once again to play Fallout 3. I guess that this lead me to continue to try and make it to level 10 with my PSN account just for bragging rights. I've also been playing some Fat Princess. I must admit, the game is really fun, however, I lose it trying to get to join a game or find a game. I've only played the game for 2 days and I've picked up on a few glitches.

I hope you guys are having a great weekend and thanks for reading!