I bet it's going to be a "mobile console" or some hybrid version of that concept.
Take the "GamePad" with you, still playing the same game you were playing on your console. Get home, dock it in the console and have a big screen experience.
If both the PS4 and Xbox One release - not announce but *release* updated consoles this year, how will the NX compete? even more powerful?? very not likely. VR?!?? I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to enter the VR space. seems like a weird code name, though. unless that's the intent.
At least Blizzard is communicating with the Nostralius team and trying to work something out.
There could be more to the story that we don't know, too, on both sides.
I had the thought that Blizzard might be considering something much, much larger in scope here. Notice how they keep calling it "Legacy" servers and talked about specific changes like getting rid of heirlooms. I wonder if that means they'd like to make a "full" game - not just to level 60 - but with "legacy" rules?? That's pretty ambitious!
Those few guys were going bankrupt and needed help. Asking for donations. didn't get them (such a thriving, supportive community!) and were going to shut down, anyway.
Playing a game they bought and subbed for? who were they paying those fees to?
according to their own forums, the hosts didn't want to - but had to - start taking "donations" to run the servers. .. and ultimately couldn't afford it, anyway. but any money they received would have been illegal. that's the very definition of profiting from someone else's property. This isn't comparable to people wanting to still use an older version of Windows.
I'm seeing a lot of knee-jerk reactions in the comments. I've done a little more reading and research on the issue.
1. this is totally in Blizzard's legal rights. Period. The "classic' server was illegal. Period.
2. it's very generous for Blizzard to even talk to and discuss and consider options for running classic servers, especially WITH the help from Nostralius.
3. From 850k registered account and only 150k active users to only ~200k signatures on the petition (some have even admitted to making phony accounts to sign the petition multiple times) = not THAT many people interested.
4. Creating a "classic" LEGIT server for less than 300k users is probably not worth Blizzard's cost/effort to build and maintain.
5. It IS a big deal to make and maintain this server. People calling Blizzard a "liar" for saying it would be difficult don't understand the requirements. Even the hosts of Nostralius were running into difficulty maintaining the server and were considering shutting it down before the C&C notification from Blizzard. http://forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=37403
6. IF there is a big enough demand for this, I'm sure Blizzard will comply. They are protecting their property AND still engaging the community on this sensitive issue. That's very commendable in my opinion,
Tekarukite's comments