I don't mind if they do multi-movie deals or not, I just wish the tabloids would stop telling us about it. It takes so much suspense away when you know the actor has 2 more movies or this is the last one or whatever is the case. :/
This is the way. Support a game for years with free and premium season passes. wonder where we've seen that highly successful business model before? :)
@RSM-HQ: actually, as one that was somewhat against the fandom of ME (especially for overlooking its many gameplay flaws in favor of what, story and characters?) I LOVE that those flaws are almost all taken away. they're not completely gone, but this is a pretty fantastic, easy to play, easy to get into, fun RPG now. so yes, it should be rated possibly higher, but a few issues hold it back.
So I propose a third possibility: the game has many quality of life and graphics improvements, but it doesn't re-write the story or change the core mechanics of paragon/renegade. so if you had issues with some of that, likely this won't change your opinion. BUT, if you liked the game in spite of it's technical problems, most of those QOL improvements should make you extremely happy.
@RSM-HQ: I beat ME1 and I'm halfway through ME2, and I agree with pretty much everything this review said. the quality of life changes and practically non-existent load times are super welcome. for me, that was reason enough to buy it. the graphics are improved as they can be but not everything looks brand new. visual and story parts that haven't aged well still stand out. The integration of all the DLC as just new side missions you can discover is mostly seamless except when it conflicts with the main narrative, as he said. I'm leaning more toward a 9, because some of the paragon/renegade dynamics the reviewer takes issue with don't bother me as much.
Thanks, this was pretty much my main holdout for getting the remaster. One is a cool story and all but it. is. rough. So happy to see (and not just here) that they've been able to improve the experience. Can't wait until midnight tonight!
One of my favorite MCU moments - not just Guardians, but from the entire MCU - is Drax sitting next to Mantis and sharing a little more of his story. She touches him and instantly starts bawling because she feels his true pain. the pain that he masks with his physicality, boasting, and yes, his humor. It's a perfect emotional moment and its set up well in the previous movie. Yes, they could have dug deeper but he also did get revenge on Ronan in the 1st GotG. and then got whupped by Thanos. They do have an opportunity to catch up with him in GotG3 and see how he has come to terms with all of that.
@P00DGE: I get what you're saying. The side activities only sometimes added something meaningful to the game, and ranged from fair to decent, whereas the main story (and companion) quests were some of the best I ever played. I also got irritated every time some fixer would call my phone, usually just to try and sell me a car. I agree that the game might have been stronger if it just stayed a relatively linear RPG instead of trying to be open world.
I have about 120 hours total, as that's about 60 hours for two separate playthroughs. This is a sad stat to me, as I thought it was pretty easy to get max street cred. I got it probably at about the half way point of each playthrough (30 hours). I can see how some would skip content and just finish the game, sooner, though that locks you out of some of the cooler mods and spec trees.
@videogameninja: I share your concerns. I also worry that some encounters will be too scripted but not tell the player that in a way that means they'll waste ammo/health and still get captured/clobbered etc.
How can one of the criticisms be "the direction leaves a bit to be desired" and the rating be 9??
I wouldn't go as far to say the movie is a total failure, as there are some entertaining aspects, but it's hardly worthy of such praise as a 9. Maybe a 6, a 7 at best.
Tekarukite's comments