@letsgame82: I bought it digitally, knowing that when the time comes, I get a free upgrade. And then in the mean time, I did get a Series X and it runs a lot better. I know it's not the official next gen version, but I'm glad it was still for sale and I bought it and played it anyway. I'm already to start a 3rd playthrough!
Can we get some info regarding performance? Hard to believe the little Switch can handle giant MH fights, let alone emergent battles between multiple monsters. if I'm wrong, I'll be happy.
That's so amazing! As much as I loved the game, it was that much sweeter to get everything wrapped up like this at the end. My jaw was on the floor for hours!
@JSusie: it is a little bit dbag but it is also a little bit right. Those that are expecting an epic battle against a big bad are indeed missing "the point" of WandaVision that it is to examine the price Wanda paid and the trauma she has to contend with, not fight another bad guy.
Tekarukite's comments