@19James89 @kirby-92 Eh, I think $30 is too low . . . but pricing them at $60 isn't helping either. I feel like a better price would be in the $40-$50 range. You invite more sales from the lower prices, without taking away from sales prices too much. I'd personally think the higher sales would outweigh the lower cost personally.
"Deep down, nobody cares about not having CDs anymore."
Uh . . . I actually kinda do care. Ownership of physical property and all that jazz is still pretty important to me. Maybe in the future, when I have a guarantee on my downloaded property, this will be different. But I don't see that happening for a while.
@Gamerhomer I doubt they will. One of the DLC's *might* have some parts dealing with Rapture, but considering how much more of Columbia there was to explore, and considering what kind of storylines the ending opened up, I think the odds of returning to rapture became a lot slimmer, at least DLC wise
@Gamerhomer @spindie Whelp, you know what they say, different strokes and all that jazz. Some are going to enjoy the game, some aren't. No one was calling the gameplay groundbreaking. It's a solid FPS gameplay wise with some interesting mechanics, that puts much more focus on character development and meaningful interaction, something not seen nearly enough nowadays. And that's why I loved it. Too few games actually focus on story now. The best games can take me into their world seamlessly, and at least for me, Infinite did just that.
@Warful Eh, I didn't even personally think it was that confusing for the overall concept. And what I wasn't 100% positive on was solved with a very simple google search to break down what I didn't fully get. And it made the second time through the game much more enjoyable, seeing all the little hints and story I missed.
@MrNachobro @TheGamerPhenom @FollowY0urBliss The sad thing is, I had started up the original a while back, and college just got so busy that I never had a chance to go back and play through it. Now that I have some more free time, I'm definitely going to go back through and play them both.
TheGamerPhenom's comments