@magemaximus @giz1300 Not a very large majority of people. And news flash. Most people don't spend 95% of their time doing something other than playing games on a GAMING CONSOLE.
@dpiconi Except it seems like a lot of the console is based around it. Which is dumb. And stupid. And one of the many reasons this reveal has me skeptical of the system going forward.
@Duomaxwellgsx So, giving a bit of gamplay would've killed their E3 presentation? The bottom line is that they could've easily given GAMERS, the people who are actually interested in this console, something to be a bit more excited about.
My own personal final judgement will come after E3. But . . . the showing wasn't fun. You can say all you want about how they were supposed to show off the new "features." That's all well and good. The problem is, when 95% of those new "features" are an update to a Kinect that has already flamed out once, and TV, which is NOT what I'm going to buy a gaming console for, I think it's easy to see why people like myself are not only a little bit frustrated and irritated, but also concerned going forward. While no one was expecting massive game play like E3, I personally was expecting a bit more than the grand reveal ending up as a CoD trailer that was mostly cut scene material.
So, while I'm not ready to say it's going to be crap or anything like that . . . this wasn't the start I was aniticipating, and certainly doesn't have me personally excited. They have their work cut out to convince me this console is going to be worth shelling out potentially $500+ for something that half amounts to a TV remote . . .
@DarkSaber2k Did you read the entire article on Kotaku? Don't just take the short little tidbits GameSpot gives you as the entire story, as opposed to actually reading it for yourself and forming your own opinion about what is being said. I personally found it to be a pretty decent read.
@Spartan_418 @TheGamerPhenom While true, in today's day & age, people have an unfortunate habit of seeing something stranger, or seeing something they don't particularly like or enjoy, and instead of rationalizing or coming up with a reasonable argument, the easy thing to do is to cry conspiracy and move on.
@megatronx2 Just a couple notes. It was an article on a magazine/website, so unless you don't understand how things work, those things are always going to go through an editor, and are always going to be "spruced up" so to speak. I too, read the article. I thought it was a solid piece, and an interesting read. The reason so many people are obliviously stating the obvious like, "Oh, he's just saying if they don't lose, they win," is because people are taking the cliff notes that GameSpot provided as opposed to reading the article itself and forming their own opinion from the piece. And may I also note, not everything he did while at EA was bad . . .
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