Lol @ that being good art direction. It's a bland mix of dull grays and brown....with some black.....like every other generic shooter on the market.
Yet it still manages to be distinct from the rest of the pack. It may not be the best, but it's pretty damn solid. This. People throw the words "dull" "bland" and "generic" around entirely too losely lol.I never understood why people have the urge to call Killzone "generic" when it has one of the most distincive art directions in gaming. Whenever anyone says that, tell them to post a game that looks like Killzone lol.
Killzone 3 looks as distinct in art direction as mario or uncharted at this point, which is exactly what they were going for (they actually mentioned mario and uncharted).
Look at games like Gears of War, that game has some of the most generic and least distinctive art direction I have ever seen in gaming. (and when I say generic I mean the ACTUAL meaning of generic, not just throwing the word out because I cant think of a better insult to the game like most lemmings do)
The whole point of good art direction is to give your game a distinct look, and to make it stand out when compared to other games. And sony does a good job of that. Pretty much the only reason people play Gears is because of the ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN, and because MTV tells them to.
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