Could and should games be less violent? Probably. But the problem is guns and people should not let themselves be diverted from that. How many people were killed in drivebys where the attackers threw video games? Guns make violence easy. Guns facilitate it.
I've never stolen a game in my life and I don't rent games I buy them. Having said that the "always online" feature still rubs me the wrong way. When I spend money on a single player game I don't want to worry about the servers at EA.
Saving Private Ryan and the Patriot were bad scripts. The actors rewrote a lot of the scenes in Saving Private Ryan. I'm with Blizzard on this. They've got a proven record of quality. Frankly Blizzard should not be considering a live action animated film is the way to go similar to the awesome trailers they put out.
Haven't played any of these games...this may be the first. What's holding me back? I don't want to be an assassin. However playing a pirate?...that has a lot more appeal for me.
TheTrueObelus' comments