@soccerpzn @Dumper1 Gee, here is a Novel Fucking Idea. Let us HAVE THE COMPLETE GAME TO BEGIN WITH, Instead of Milking us out of more Money beyond the $60 we already Pay.
I swear, do people Pay you people to write this kind of stuff?
@FollowY0urBliss @wcbigguy4 How in The World Do you suggest that trade laws be reorganized to prevent COMMERCIAL Resale of a Used Game? Do you even UNDERSTAND what you are proposing, and what kind of Pandora's Box you would be opening trying to get LAWS in place that would do something like that?
Forbidding the COMMERCIAL resale of used ANYTHING is never going to fly. It is ludicrous to even propose such a thing.
Again, THINK about what you are proposing, and the unintentional consequences something like that would cause.
No one wants to see Developers get shut down, but until you or anyone else can Provide, HARD, FACTUAL, IRREFUTABLE Evidence that Used Games are causing the shutdown of Developers, Destroying The Industry, and is a True "Crisis", then again, your arguments are mired in hyperbole, hearsay, and Industry Propaganda and Scapegoating.
I've been gaming since 1976, I know a lot of people who work in the Industry, and I can tell you without reservation, I think this entire Used Games Crisis is absolute Bullshit.
Gamestop is a problem, yes. Priacy is a Problem, yes. But as far as bringing the industry to it's knees, not even close. It surely didn't Bring about Atari's Demise in the 80's, and it surely did not cause any of the demise of the Publishers who went under or who were bought out in the 90's, and it isn't a major factor in why Developers go down now.
I can see you have a passion for gaming, but there are many more factors involved that Used Games. It's a Chimera the Industry loves to default to other than addressing the TRUE Issues that need to be addressed. It's a lot more complicated than you even know, my friend.
There is a completely different side to all this as well. Big Publishers are using the argument of Used Games as one of the vehicles to justify milking the consumer with DLC, Online Passes, and various other parasitic models that are taking advantage of gamers.
Like I said, second hand sales have been around for nearly four decades. Gamestop was around long before DLC, Online Passes, and other forms of nickel and diming that prevail in the Industry today.
They didn't being about the demise of The industry then, did they?
The Industry has many issues. problems, and challenges to deal with, but this whole argument over used games is getting bit blown out of proportion.
It is a standard component of a consumer based economy. It is what it is. And it's not going anywhere. If it does, we will all suffer for it. You need to be careful what you wish for, because once you start down a path like that, it will not end up where you want, no matter how pure your intentions are.
@FollowY0urBliss @badwedgie00 Clearly your Beef is with Gamestop and not with other methods of Second Hand Sales.
So here is the question for you. What is the Viable Solution to Gamestop other than shutting them down or forbidding them from selling used Product, neither of which are viable solutions.
You can post all the Anti-Used Propaganda you want, shill all the talking points you want, but the fact is, second hand sales of video games have been going on for nearly four decades, all the way back to the Atari 2600, and there was never one damn Peep until now.
You simply cannot do away with second hand sales of video games because of One Entity's business practices. Developers go out of business all the time, that is true, but I think your focus on used games being a major cause is some serious hyperbole, and honestly, you write and sound like a Paid Shill.
There are MANY other factor that contribute to the demise of developers. Are you going to sit here and tell me that Used games caused the crumbling of THQ, or was it gross mismanagement and poor decision making on their part that led to their fall?
There is all this focus on Gamestop, yet you think it's OK for ebay, Craigslist, and Yard Sales. Do You KNOW how big the Video Games sales are on ebay in a given WEEK?
A lot of Video Games have also become Collector's Items, and there is a burgeoning Collector Market for Used Games as well. Are you going to shut that down as well?
Second hand sales occur in almost every medium of a consumer based economy, and it should stay that way.
I am not going to live in some kind of Authoritarian Model, where I cannot sell or loan the Property I OWN and I Pay For. End Of Story.
@FollowY0urBliss Why Not just say something needs to be done to Combat Gamestop?
I don't want to Rain on your Visions of an Authoritarian Utopia, but EVERYONE who Owns games has The RIGHT To Sell them, be it on ebay, Craigslist, Yard Sales, etc. It's YOUR Property, and you have the RIGHT to do as you wish with it, including sell it second hand.
I despise Gamestop as much as you do, but if THEY are the problem when it comes to second hand sales, then why do we need to make everyone suffer because of THEM?
TheWatcher000's comments