@deathstream Fighting back the urge to completely skewer you, I will open by asking you a question?
How old are you, child? Used Games have been a reality in this Industry since the days of the Atari 2600. That would be all the way back to 1976, the year I began gaming. That's nearly FOUR FUCKING DECADES.
Now, did that kill the industry? Did every Video Game Publisher go out of Business? No, they did not. In fact the industry is just fine.
Now, assuming you aren't stupid and completely bereft of basic intelligence and thought processes, There is far more to used game sales than Just Gamestop (Which, although an entity I personally despise, to call them anything close to Piracy means you need to be seriously evaluated by a mental health professional).
There is ebay, Craigslist, Yard Sales, etc. Now, I am not sure what kind of Orwellian Planet YOU live on, but when I Buy something, I OWN it. It is MINE, to do do whatever I please within the legal limits of ownership (So stop your fucking Piracy Crying before you even Start).
Then there is Gamefly, Redbox, etc. The rental Market. Are you going to shut THEM down, too?
Let me tell you something, little boy. Whoever paid you to write this nonsense is getting RIPPED OFF, and should fire your ass the minute you walk in whatever Boiler Room you work in, in the morning.
Take Your Authoritarian Banter, And STFU.
I despise Gamestop, but I despise idiots like you even more.
If There is Any Justice In This World, EA will be closed, disappeared, and a dark but fading memory form this Industry before this next generation is even 1/10 through it's Cycle.
@Tremblay343 And here we have another person who has the Forward thinking of Peat Moss.
You simply can't and won't get it, will you? This is how they condition you to accept what will eventually be installing a client and paying for an entire game in pieces.
It starts out with things like Dead Space 3. "Oh, the Microtransactions are Optional. See how non threatening they are."
And then it gets more intrusive, and more invasive with each new layer of bullshit they unravel until.....
Eventually you won't be able to play the game without them.
This is how tyranny in ANY form works. It is introduced incrementally, and in ways that sound reasonable and optional.
You know, I know this kind of article makes people want to find this guy and beat him into oatmeal, but I would like to take the opportunity to give Credit where credit is due.
I mean, being a complete douchebag is one thing in itself, but to be able to LOOK the part the way this guy does.....I mean, he's the complete package.
That being said, I do hope that this generation will see the complete and total dismantling of EA, and that we will get to celebrate their demise with every bit as much vigor and reverence as the mourning we had for THQ.
It's time for them to go.
And for their Management to be Blacklisted from the Industry FOREVER.
TheWatcher000's comments