@ShinobiMedic Says the All too Obvious Company Shill.
You're not fooling anyone with this Bullshit.
By making this childish admonishment of everyone who can't play the game they paid for because of once again, EA's parasitic and destructive business practices and models, you prove yourself to either be a complete idiot, a shill, or a go along cog who can't see anything in front of him due to his head being up his ass.
The Problems are real. The complaints are legitimate. The way EA runs their business needs to be changed, or better yet, STOPPED ENTIRELY FOR GOOD.
@BlueToofGangsta @TheWatcher000 @IanNottinghamX Yes, that is true. Some of us run successful businesses, and play games when we can, on both Console and PC.
Other people, like you, make brainless third grade insults that have nothing to do with, nor address their original poorly thought out comment, in an attempt to deflect from the stupidity and short-sightedness of said comment, which only compounds their stupidity further.
Guess which category you're in?
By the way, now that you are gluttonously dining on both feet, didn't your Mother ever teach you not to talk with your mouth full, or were you a pretty much a Greystoke Project without much civilized upbringing?
Ah, but what would one expect from a Wannabe "Gangsta?"
@BlueToofGangsta @IanNottinghamX Not True. The First one was Released on XBLA, so he very well could have played the first one. He could also have a Console and a PC. It may be hard for your mind to conceive, but there are those of us who have both.
@hotpugz @TheWatcher000 You prove yourself wrong by opening your mouth and spewing this neanderthal contradictory crap to begin with.
First, you try to cover your ass with saying we shouldn't be prosecuted, and then you spit in my face and tell me I shouldn't have the same rights as you.
You don't hide your Bigotry very well, do you?
It's not much different than if you had said "I don't think Black People should be persecuted, but I don't have a problem with Slavery."
TheWatcher000's comments