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TheZ3nMan Blog

Swimming in Cheese

-That would actually be kind of freaky >_>-

I'm currently waiting for my Netflix to arrive, of which I've ordered(now that's a weird phrase) Assault on Precinct 13 and Master of the Flying Guillotine! I can't wait for these to come, because I've heard that Assault on Precinct 13 is a master piece, and a work of art. I ordered MOFG because it has an old guy that chops off people's heads.:D

Here's the trailer!

Just for giggles

I hate you, Valve.

-I hate people that make ya feel small-

Been playing some more of the Orange Box, hoping to get some more achievements. Alas, I forgot that I had loaded the dreaded Gnome profile. I'm stuck at a part right after you meet a Combine Advisor and kill some Hunters. After trying vainly to keep the Gnome in the car(I guess the Gnome is from another dimension, it just phases through). I resolve to shooting the Gnome as high and as far as I can, hoping that I can somehow send the God-Forsaken thing into the tunnel I need to reach. My hopes dashed, I resolve to drive Alyx(who named her?!) close to the Gnome, then dashing out of the semi-solid hot rod and punting the Gnome into the distance. Sprinting back to the car under helicopter fire and losing all my health, blinded by gunfire and wounded by bombs, I leap into the car and hit the gas. Punishing the pavement I go, only to find the Gnome blown away and over a fence by the Hell-I-Copter(see, it's a pun.) When I retrieve the plastic devil, I start the hellacious cycle all over again. Hours later, I reach the tunnel, only to be struck down by the Hell-I-Copters hollow points. Feeling my heart go and seeing blood in my eyes makes me want that 30 something points all the more. Oh, to hear that bloop-bloop, to see that wonderful gray and green panel open up, and take me through the whole in the window caused by a wayward controller, to fly me gently into the arms of Micro$oft Heaven. Oh, to be loved.

Sorry if that freaked ya out. I get kind of miffed by these things.

Case of the Monday's Revisited

-Office Space was...air, at best...-

Bleh. Mun Dae is here strikes me, Whoever invented Monday must have been a sasomachist, or something. Who else could tolerate something so terrible, depressing, and painful?

EDIT:New blog header! It's ugly, but it's my kind of ugly. The guy with the gun is 8-Bit Zen...the star of 8-Bit Glory. Maybe I'll post some issues, in another blog.

No funny title today

-There were funny titles before?-

Got me a new/old avatar. Lord Whippleton, Big Daddy of the Zoo and the Pimp of the Sea.

You can call him Gorilla with a top hat.:D

Tantalizing Tidbits of Terror!

-Alliteration sells blogs.-

Several weeks ago(or it might have been yesterday, I can't remember.) I made a blog about Escape From New York, and how cool it was(and still is!) Well, a few nights ago I received Escape from LA.

It's cooler than it looks. Which is pretty cool.

And I loved this one almost as much as the first. It retreads on some(a lot) of the original's story elements, but it's done in such a way that it feels different.

And just like that last time I mentioned the Escape movies, I'll also talk about my dream movie project. I don't want to say the concept(as I don't have the script finished and I don't want any malevolent internet writers stealing it) But I'll give the you the tagline:

He was one good golfer having one bad day.

I'd really like to make this.


-And why car chases are cool-

It seems to me, that all game developers want to do now-a-days(yes, I like hyphens. Sue me.)want to do is top each other in terms of blood and gore. They seem to think that if they place a limb anywhere except where it's supposed to be, that they can 'make a point' in the world. Well, when I see a severed limb, I don't wonder who I'm going to vote for. I laugh/retch(sometimes both at once!)

Here's an example: Doom. Yes, the original. One of the greatest games of all time, and also one of the bloodiest of the time. Back then, we could chainsaw 2D demons into meat. Now-a-days(still waiting for that suit) we can smack people over the head with a broken glass bottle, drag them by their wound,chuck their head into a meat grinder and give it a crank.

You'll get it in a minute.

Essentially, what I'm saying is that games are getting bloodier. And while they were shocking back in the day, you'll see that they're rarely on the news anymore(except when the game climbs out of the box and kills someone) simply for their violence. And while I like violent games as much as the next self-absorbed blogger(popping heads in Re4 was awesome-o! Stupid zombies.) turning a game into a Cannibal Corpse album cover doesn't make it any more relevant than sometihng with a great story, like Bioshock.

On a side note, Pandas are neat. :D

-Assault Credible Red Orion New York Men?-

Just a quickie blog here. You know something that confuses me? Why do game publishers think that gamers love acronyms? Normally I wouldn't mind, but after hearing about Tom Clancy's HAWX, it got stuck in my head. High Altitude Warfare...X? We do not live in the radical 90's anymore. Military uses them too. But you don't see them coming up with lame stuff.

*flashback to military meeting*

"We need a new piece of equipment to combat the enemy, any cool names?"

"OOH! OOH! ME! How about S.P.I.D.E.R?!"

"Radical! What's it stand for?!"

"Uh...Stealth....Power Internet Destroying Evil RAY!!1!"

"Neat! Tell the scientists about it!!"

Also, who decided we can't have titles be all caps?! A.C.R.O.N.Y.M sounds cooler than A.c.r.o.n.y.m.

Falling Out

-Where are the title writer's when you need them?!-

Just read the Fallout 3 front page story. The game looks like it's coming along nicely...though I'm interested in knowing what the "Bloody Mess" perk does. Anyway, can't wait to act out my Road Warrior dreams...virtually.

Greetings from the Humungus!

Speaking of post-apocalyptic stuff, I just finished watching Escape from New York. My friend told me it was awesome, so I Netflix'd it. It was great! Cabby is the definition of awesome.

Tip him or die.

Now, I've had an idea brewing for a while now...the kind that is green and smells funny. I have an interest in making movies, and I'd jump at the chance to make one. My goal? Make the greatest vehicle based post apocalyptic action film. The title?

Think of a better title. I. Dare. You.

Continue watching the skies!

Khocolate Rain!

-Some stay dry and others feel the pain-

You guessed it:I'm listening to Chocalate Rain. After seeing him get scanned by the Gopher in South Park, I had to... By the way, that episode was the funniest of the season so far. The Numa Numa Guy. :lol:

But let's get down to business. I feel that Chocalate Rain would be a great score for Mortal Kombat Revisited. Imagine, the funky keyboard playing as the camera zooms over a mountain, and Tay Zonday's freaky baritone comes in, singing over scenes of carnage as monks fight each other to please a kruel puppet master. Suddenly, Rob Zombie joins in for the chorus with John 5's trademark distorted guitar and the Astro-Creep's growls. A thing of beauty!

Also, I've made a web site.

Join today!

Kasting the Movie

-We have a lack of snazzy titles-

It wasn't long ago, that I saw Mortal Kombat. I was surprised. Instead of seeing a lame, B-grade action movie, I saw an action videogame film with lots of "radical" and "ill" things. I was surprised Shang Tsung said "Fight!" instead of "Let's get stupid!"

Anyway, what I want to do is remake the movie. I feel that the story, while cheesy, had some great potential. I'll be tapping that potential with a cast of all-stars:

Raiden will be played by Dave Mustaine. I think Dave's anger is just what we need to show the thunder-god's true power. Besides, then Dave could say he was in two movies, where Metallica was only in one.(Take that!)

Liu Kang will be played by Jet Li. His accent is better than Jackie Chan's. Sorry Jackie.

Scorpion and Sub Zero will be played by the same people. They did a great job. Also, they'll be playing Ermac, Reptile, and Ninja Smoke. Robot Smoke has yet to be cast.

Shang Tsung will be played by Rick Moranis. Since Shang Tsung's "Finish him!" felt more like suggestions, I chose the man with the most meek voice of all. Funny guy too.

Shao Kahn will be played by me. You got a problem with that?

That's that we have our actors, we need a director. But what's better than one director? TWO directors! We need someone that can perfectly show the hillarity of the babality and the friendshipality, so let's get Mel Brooks. We also need the evil of the fatality to be shown, so we'll call Rob Zombie. Plus, Rob can sing the theme song! "MORTAL KOMBAT!!"

There is no way this movie can fail! Tomorrow I'll bring you some pictures from the set.Cyrax will be in it too.