@Legend_of_Link: @Bexorcist@whatsazerg --it is already been said it will be a prequel(of red dead redemption) --to when Marston was in his hellbent heydays --it is the 3rd installment for the franchise --even though redemption was only a 'spiritual successor' to red dead revolver --the 3rd installment will be called.. --let us play a guessing game...
--red dead rehash? --red dead restart? --red dead recollect?
@davillain-: --well --it does kinda give you an idea of how the western world is evolving --Bleszinski is 41 years old --guys from his generation saw women a lot differently than say a male U.S. citizen that is today 17 years old --this GOW story is kinda like --when you hear stories of how men used to laugh at the thought of a woman doing "this or that" --one REALLY CRAZY one was --a state law --that said --"a woman could only drive a car --if a man walked in front of said car --waving a large red flag --to warn everyone else that a woman was driving"
--we(men) are evolving into less misogynistic assholes(and women are becoming more interested in things that used to be sorta exclusive to menfolk~like a woman straight up hardcore gaming & going 41 and 2 on yo ass in a PVP MP FPS match) --i think that is basically what this article says --whether it meant to or not --history has a way of telling it's own story~a story that is usually 'dead-on truth'
@nibbin1191: --you were talking about the kids from stranger things --and today forward --things are changing
--labeef was from a different time in hollywood --sorta like a young eminem or jayz or back to nirvana --it was a different time in the music industry --when you could sell MILLIONS of albums and singles --whereas (today) name 1 SUPERSTAR music act that is ruling the mainstream charts with their originality --the music industry top40 has become a machine built by the industry --that only churns out straight up equalized quantity over quality
--technology is changing the entertainment industry --and as far as movie stars go --they have no option but to 'mostly' become generic and a dime a dozen --with no real 'staying power'
--it really looks awesome(mainly the concept) --this kinda thing is the 'next big step' in gaming --i thought "no mans sky" would sorta get us started --and in some ways it did --but --these HUGE PC exclusive titles and franchises need to make a comeback pronto --and one like this --could potentially launch us into the next big step in gaming --which is just HUGE complex neverending game worlds --that are more fun to live in --than our real lives
--well MANY gamers are WELL under 18 --and live with their parents --their bedrooms arent all that big --and they are CRAMMED into them(sometimes with other siblings and domesticated animals)
--MANY gamers live in small and normal sized apartments --and --MANY gamers have normal sized houses(that they are jammed into) --also --MANY gamers have kids
--not exactly breeding ground for VR "functionality and convenience''
@pointingmonkey: --yea --he just made a much better 'young kid' character(actually he was GREAT at it~great actor) --he was fine in the first transformers movies(he started getting miscast around 2010~i imagine his own doing) --but --he is(now today 2016) limited on his range in 'full-grown man' acting roles --VERY limited --i would guess "that" is why he 'quit'(remember little Fer said he "quit hollywood") --i would guess that --his agent was giving him advice --telling him "he just did not have 'what it took' to play big boy rolls" --they probably were just trying to help him get properly cast --so that he could continue his career(at top bill) --but --he makes the better 'boy' to a man(like in Indian jones~he was 'the boy to' Ford) --he cannot be anybody's man(even a child could have more gruff than Labeef) --and --based on his efforts to grow a beard and spend years acting INSANE(like he has these last few years) --and now 'come back' and start 'talking about how' he grew up hardcore(which he did not) --he is testing the waters again --but --he is just too much of a baby faced man-child(to be what he wants to be) --and --like i said --THAT is probably why he "quit" --i can almost guarantee you --his agent and investors INSISTED that he play some kinda homosexual role in a movie --and labeef ran off crying "i quit i quit" (all speculation~my specialty~but cha gotta admit~why else would he "quit"~grow a beard~try and act tough~and comeback with stories of how hardcore he grew up) --he wants to be a big man(like pitt~eastwood~pacino~ian mcshane~statham) --but he is just gonna always come up short --because --he is an EXTREMELY over-privileged childstar --this exact thing happens to most male childhood superstars --they just stay stuck in the personalities/roles that made them famous
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