@Flyin3lvl: --if they had new games in development for scorpio(which is basically impossible) --then those games would at least be ready enough to do trailers similar to the "Death Stranding" one --there is nothing --no real hardware --and no 'real' developers --it is a smoke screen to rebuild hope in the xbox brand(xb1 is falling off the sales radar) --pretty common procedure when a brand is failing --you do ANYTHING you can to rebuild hope and faith --what sucks is --there is NO WAY there will be a console as promised by next year(which will make XB look even worse) --not a console --not a hardware locked console --it just isnt gonna happen
@isimitaiwo: --skyward sword barely sold 4 million units on wii --at the time SS dropped wii had a userbase of over 80million --wii went on to have over 100million unit sales --i mean --id be surprised if this zelda sells 3 million units --and "gameplay"? --this game's gameplay is nothing'new'(or all that interesting) --on any other console --this game would look like a 20$ indie/arcade game
@seth_rogaine: --well I try and stay young in my old age as I get wiser with years --and my heart hardens as I sadly watch my youth fade away --but --I guess you can try and stay young also(like you have here) --with the mindset of a simple minded 2nd grader --who hasn't figured out that he is putting others down --because he feels below them --and is frightened to be alone
--I am here for you --hold out your hand --here is some love --it is all yours
@akassassin11: --im not saying anything is "bad" --I would just like to see more of the game(and I am stoked to learn more about it) --but --a lot of the gameplay itself seems EXTREMELY scripted --GS even asked em about that too --when they interviewed the developers about this gameplay video in another GS video
@louixiii: --it is a shame really that DR3 is still an xb1 exclusive --nothing about dead rising really 'defines' what xbox is about(like gears and halo used to) --as a matter of fact there are ZERO games that 'define' what xb1 is all about(titanfail tried) --it is kinda sad really --xb1 really has not turned out to be much of anything --whereas xbox and 360 sorta built the future of gaming we live in(mainly the multiplayer part) --sigh --IDK --seems sometimes like MS wants to use xbox to destroy the gaming industry --I know they used Kinect to destroy the motion movement --most gamers don't see it --but kinect1 is what killed motion gaming --gamers that hate motion gaming hate it for one reason --kinect
--or stuck with the xb1 --and made some real solid 'new' AAAs for it(like 10 new AAA exclusives this holiday going into next summer) --Nintendo has sorta proved --that without 'the right games' --hardware becomes dead pretty quick these days
TheZeroPercent's comments