@txuzai: --if you like bill murray --he really is what held those cheesy old GB movies together --that and slimer(and the whole ghost capturing technology) --back in the day --the effects looked SO REAL --and even looking back --they still hold up pretty good
--watch the first one --it really is a must see 80s flick
--some movies just dont need a remake --i mean --look back at the original GB the effects still look GREAT(we are talking over 30 years ago!) --another example is "It" --it isnt a movie that benefits from a more modern tech and mindset --HOWEVER --ill tell you a movie that if redone properly --would make for an EXCELLENT remake --Lawnmower Man --with all the new VR tech(that actually sorta works) --and the birth and MAXIMUM growth of internet technologies(since the original) --rethinking that movie --and rewriting it would HUGELY approve upon it --plus --the special effects in the original do not 'hold up' AT ALL
@cainetao11: --yea --i am 36 --we always think everyone else on here is like 12-16 --when in reality --we(the ones using the comment boards) --are a bunch of old middleageish MFers ha
--gotdam --remember when one new mario game made the holidays great --it is RIDICULOUS --how many top notch HUGE highly complex games --that we get each year these days
@cainetao11: --creedence has always been one of the best songwriter/classic rockbands(imo) --with a short life cycle(of only a coupla years) they dropped about 10-15 top 10 hits(and some of the greatest songs) --what made them so great was john fogerty --and their raw back woods rock and roll based understanding of R&B --which is actually IMO what made the beatles such great original song writers(their Motown influence~mixed with rock)
here is CCRs greatest hits (a must) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E0VgbMX6tg
@Veemon_X: --all im saying is --Netflix is a business --that charges almost nothing for MAJOR access to some of the greatest movies of all time --Netflix is not a movie library --they have to make money --and they actually make the majority of their money(probably 80% of it) --from publishers paying them to put their movies up
--capitalism sucks --we all know that --but --Netflix doesnt
@Veemon_X: --it isnt just netflix though --directors and movie publishing rights owners have full say --these people have total say in whether their movies are on netflix full time or not --they had almost all of Kubrick's movies on netflix --including "eyes wide shut" --and "full metal jacket" --a clockwork orange --maybe they will take those down(since i took the chance to watch em all in HD for free) --and put up some of his earlier works like lolita and dr strangelove --bottom line is --if a person hasnt watched 2001 before --and they havent watched it 'by now' on netflix --then too bad for them
@SkytheWiz1: --im pretty sure i know why(mostly) --one reason is to draw interest to a movie --and then put the movie back on the rental market(hoping to make a few bucks) --second reason is just to keep the movies 'fresh' --it is like anything --if you know it is gonna 'always be there' a person will take it for granted --if you know it might leave --you will be more likely to check it out
--orange car is a late 60s camaro --the blue one is a late 50s-early 60s corvette with a modern looking body kit --and the red one is a late 60s mustang fastback --at :29 the green car looks like it could be a late 60s roadrunner/gtx --none of the cars are exact clones --only based on the real cars --and in reality? --this is the dumbest trailer for Mafia 3 yet
--netflix has upped their game A LOT in the last year or two --PLENTY of top notch movies --GREAT originals --LOTS of focus on getting those weird little gems you'd never even know existed --8$ a month is almost too good to be true --actually --it is WAY TOO GOOD to be true ha
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