@louixiii: --I needed a new controller for my old day one xb1--they were selling a xb1 worth forza 6--the had gears remake and an extra xb1 controller for 280$--I swear--I'm still gonna wait for a better deal--they'll be giving em away here soon
@heqteur: --Mario 64 and the n64 thumb stick designs were the cutting edge--along with star fox and Zelda--metroid on GameCube along with Zelda--wii was semi revolutionary--but wiiu proved nintendos franchisees alone(with antiquated and non groundbreaking gameplay)--would end nintendos home console legacy
@skiggy34: --best selling brand compared to what?--wiiu?--xb1 sales have fallen off like a toddler from a large roller coaster
@haanabi89: --I own a day one edition--I believed in Kinect 2--Xbox1 hurt my feelings--but--I still play its aaa exclusives--state of decay 2 is one of most anticipated games right now
--if they were "listening to gamers"--they quit making xboxes--xb1 REALLY f'd xbox the brand up pretty bad
--it's a hard pill to swallow--but we all know they ain't showing it--because it will be worse than wiiu
TheZeroPercent's comments