--so what did jesus look like? --for some reason i see him as a hank williams sr(in a cowboy getup) --singing~yodeling and playing guitar --while black people have to piss in different holes than whites
@Defender1978: --you would think --but look at 3ds(it was REALLY FAILING in it's first year or 2) --i mean sure --it is a handheld --but so is vita --vita was CONSIDERABLY more "powerful" than 3ds --vita had a bigger much MORE DETAILED screen & dual thumbsticks --a real portable ass kicker(you'd think)
--so why did 3ds out sell vita by SO MUCH(3ds is 80% of the 8th gen handheld market vita is 20%) --the console(3ds) was slingshot to the moon by nintendo first party titles --if you look at how nintendo handled wiiU --they did EXACTLY what they did with 3ds --except --as AMAZEBALLS as mario kart 8 and then smash bros was for 2014 --the wiiU just wouldnt sell --imo --they just chose the wrong 1st party franchises and genres --they should have went with a metroid that was deep and rich and groundbreaking(like destiny~no mans sky) --or maybe a starfox that was more like a modern space rpg(mass effect) --and --the real thing that has always been wiiU's shortcoming --is --where they FUHK is the zelda game?
--if you look over the history --you can easily see that kinect1 played a large part in wiiU failing --and --it wasnt an accident --Microsoft purposely made 'HD motion' before nintendo could --and then they flooded the market with MOTION TURD(wii's AAA motion gameplay was well designed and fun) --kinect1 over-saturated the motion market and destroying motion gaming --kinect1 made wiiU appear pointless
--obviously nintendo is ultimately responsible for their own demise --but --you gotta watch out for MS --they are monopolizers --one common technique for monopolizing a market --is to destroy the market(by oversaturating it with crap) --which destroys demand and puts all competition out of business --imo --it appears MS also tried to use XB1 to destroy the entire gaming industry(around 8th gen launch) --so they could take over
--notice --your long stream of logic --is fully engulfed in denying Christ is God --which makes him your savior(biblically all you have to do is believe)
--but --to answer your question --man cannot understand the mysteries of God --anymore than a earth worm can understand binary code
@Gbullet: --school does brainwash children IMO(im no jayden fan AT ALL) --but i can fully assure you --the 'main thing' kids learn in school --is to go somewhere they do not really wanna be --and do stuff they dont really wanna do --until someone tells them they can leave
--there have been MANY times that i am grateful to have grown up in a time with no internets --i mean i was 14 when the internet launched(i think it was around 1994 that it was 'popularize4d' or whatever) --but it isnt just 'the internet' that can RUIN a poor youngan's life --it is mostly due to modern social media
--pretty psyched about this game since the first day i heard about it --with over 29 years of gaming under my belt --i can assure you --the best way to 'approach' a game like this --is with ZERO expectations --just let the game 'do what the game do'(and then judge the game against itself)
TheZeroPercent's comments