@Techtroll: --the game sold over 14 million units! --can't blame disney(whatdya expect?) --they paid 4billion dollars for starwars --even lucas went on to call them "white slavers"(after they gave him 4 billion$ ha) --this is lucas' fault imo(did he really need MORE money?~did he have to sell to F'n Disney?) --did you know disney owns it's own chinese factories(that labels chinese made products differently than ANY other company) --they are notorious for using Chinese sweat shops to make their products --disney is satan
--but at the end of the day --this is gamer's fault --we have let each other down --buy allowing that TOTAL POS game to sell so well
@darthrevenx: --starwars battlefront 2015 sold over 14 million units --that is A LOT --ESPECIALLY for a game that was 'pretty much known' to be a 10hr POS
--you may be surprised --how few gamers there are like me and you(reasonable~distinguished~connoisseurs~enjoying the finer crafts of our passions) --and how MANY MFers out there are MINDLESSLY buying up PURE CRUD --it is ridiculous --how few gaming consumers think like we do(id guess we are less than 10% of the market)
@darksouls: --gta5 IS the greatest selling console/pc locked video game of all time(except wii sports~which was bundled with the greatest selling console of all time) --it set the record for the "fastest selling entertainment property in history" --it "broke 7 Guinness book of world records video game sells records"(BIG RECORDS look em up) --as of may 2016 it has shipped over 65 million units
--and NONE of those "free DLCs" you mentioned hold a fart in the wind --compared to the DLC R* gives away
--this is the part where the glass breaks --and you duck as the rim falls on your head
@Spartan-1657: --but --you said "R* doesn't care if you play GTA(after they have your money)" --that is BS --it is basically gaming blasphemy --so --it is time to repent --or you shall be cast into gaming hell(with only saints row 4)
--i have been looking for a new fun arcady online racing game(was maybe waiting for horizon 3) --didnt wanna drop too much on treack mania turbo(which still seemed like it has a lot of 'ghost' racing MP) --hell --never thought gta would have something like this --i was pretty sure i was done with gtaonline(around 500hrs in) --i havent played gtaO in about a year --but --idk --it also looks like it could be a pretty short lived experience --still nice to see something different though(vs more gang based MP)
--they give ALL the gta online dlc away for free! --what other company does that ? --gives ALL their dlc away for free?(on a game that is the best selling most popular game of all time literally ALL TIME)
--if there is ANY developer that "cares about their customers" --it is R*
@smokerob79: --did you play max payne3? --did you play the 2 story additions to GTA4? --R* gives it's customers what they ask for --NO ONE bought lost and damned or gay tony --but --the gta4 servers stayed PACKED up until and even after gta5 online came out --it isnt R*'s fault that they cant make money off of story line dlc --and shit --they give ALL the gta online dlc away for free! --what other company does that ? --gives ALL their dlc away for free?(on a game that is the best selling most popular game of all time literally ALL TIME)
--all you have to do is believe(for salvation~or to be saved) --according to the bible --it is ironically the church that "complicates" this simple message(always in one way or another)
--think of this --the 2 main religions in the world are Christianity & Islam --Christianity has approx 2.4 billion followers --Islam has approx 1.7 billion followers --so those 2 religions are around 4.1 billion of the 7.4 billion humans on earth(the earth's population includes babies and young children~unlike the numbers for Christianity and Islam~which are only participating adults) --what is my point? --both of these religions have the same Devil --WELL over half of humanity --all believe in the same Devil --half of humanity! --did you know polls show that over 75% of U.S. citizens believe Jesus is Lord? --do not be so quick --to let your mind be guided in directions that do not even exist
--i think it is because im getting older --but --i cant even keep up with COD anymore --like --i cant remember which one was the last one(or bring myself to care)
--and --i keep a pretty serious eye on gaming(in general) --but --i dont think my mind has room to remember COD anymore
--most people will only let the same dog bite them once --of course --we ARE talking about a medium --where the majority of the party buys COD EVERY SINGLE year(each cod is BY FAR the best selling game every year) --so --what are you gonna do really?
TheZeroPercent's comments