@mhfon: --well as the biggest RDR fan there ever was --i can assure you(after having played a good amount of FO4) --the fo4 map is considerably larger and WAY MORE detailed than RDR's --and as far as 'content' --from NPCs to in-game items(to building structures) --and side quests --a quick guess --FO4 has around 100times more 'content' that RDR
@kanekan-slaugh: --it is a common business technique for a monpolizer(like microsoft) --if you want to infiltrate dominate and monopolize a market --run everyone else outta business(one way or another) --and then the industry is yours --look at motion controls and wii --MS used kinect and kinect 2 to destroy that market --why? --because wii was outselling both 360 and ps3 combined for over 5 years straight --so MS put a stop to it
--they basically ran nintendo out of the home console game --and so --from what i can tell --they tried to lure PS4(pre launch) down a dark alley and knife em in the back --the plan backfired --when PS realized all they had to do was ignore xb1 and make ps4 basically everything xb1 wasnt --if PS hadda followed xbox's lead --and made ps4 just like xb1 --no one woulda bought either console --running ps outta business(because sony doesnt have the kinda funds to keep a product that is DROWNING alive~especially after ps3 sorta bit them in the a$s)
--um if you are gonna jump back into RDR --and you have already played the story --try the multiplayer out --start with the easier MPachievements --R* has a knack for using achievements to 'show you' what their game is made of
@skiggy34: --it is too soon --and the scorpio SERIOUSLY sounds WAY TOO GOOD to be true --and you know what they say about that --and you know MS is a liar and a crook
@divinejester: --i grabbed sunset overdrive for 10$ in a recent MS sale --i dont understand HOW IN THE HELL it was a 'full sized' AAA release(full price) --while the game has interesting and fun gameplay(semi-addictive but not quite) --the game is 'pretty' even though it drops frames pretty bad --sunset overdrive just feels like a 20$ arcade game(like state of decay or such)
--i dont see ANYONE buying the ps4 or the xb1 2.0(nowhere near the numbers the current consoles have put up) --i mean --ive been gaming hardcore since the summer of 1986(i was 7) --i have seen every single launch since snes --from my experience gamers are tight wads(the majority) --we like to feel like we 'got our money out of' games --but hardware? --no --this is crazy --gamers are gonna be SO PISSED over this --and i predict this could end the console gaming industry(which is why nintendo has probably already left it somehow with NX) --and guess what i have been saying --microsoft is trying to destroy the console industry(did u see what they did with xb1?~i mean THANK GOD a normal console was available) --and this(scorpio)IMO and my prediction --is just one more attempt to destroy console gaming --so MS can steal it from playstation --just like they did to motion gaming(and nintendo's home console influence) --the best competition(to a super conglomerate monopolizer) --is ZERO competition
TheZeroPercent's comments