@Daveof89: --oh they are 'planning' scorpio --but that is about it --and they will "follow through" --but i can guarantee you --i mean you can bet your bottom dollar buddy --get used to the word "delayed"
--all scorpio is at the moment --is a custom built PC rig --that you could build with parts from newegg
--the WHOLE point of "scorpio" --is to rebuild interest and confidence in the xbox brand(at the current moment) --that is ALL "scorpio" is
--just look at the reality of it --before scorpio? --xb1 is what? --a console that is 21% of the 8th gen console market --while ps4 is 41% --xb1 sells about 50-60,000 units a week --while ps4 sells usually over 150,000 --so --xb1 is not only a failure(as a competitor) --it isnt even selling(which is why they dropped the price 3 times~and are basically giving the xb1 away~yet the xb1 sales still are dead) --that is the reality of it --but --now --throw Scorpio in there --what is xbox now?(in the minds of gamers?) --it is a viable brand(worthy of taking serious) --trust me --xb1 only sold 21 million units in 3 years --and scorpio? --no matter WTF it ends up being --wont sell half that(in the same time frame) --same goes for Sony's Neo(or whatever it is)
@Supabul: --r u sure? --i tried looking it up(before my last post) --seems unlikely --seeing as how RDR's entire map was available online(in 7th gen) --with 16 players all at once --and fo4 is a single player only game
--and even if the maps are similar in size --FO4 still has QUITE A BIT more content than RDR(like 100times)
@blitzking: --kinect did PRETTY damn good --it was what everyone thought they wanted --a wii that was more like a 360/ps3 in power(HD graphics and all) --on a console that wasn't locked down to motion(unlike wii which didnt have a decent regular controller also) --like ive said a million times --kinect was xbox making nintendo's next move for them --it left nintendo with nothing to stand on(for a new console) --and --it has come out over the past few years --that wiiU was DEFINITELY not the console nintendo was originally planning on going with(into 8th gen) --but after MS destroyed the motion market --nintendo took a secondary design from their labs(rather hastily) --and made it into wiiU
--wiiU was an older design that was based on the handheld DS --havent you ever noticed? --wiiU is basically just a home console DS(ds stands for dual screen)
@elron6: --wii was selling so well --that Microsoft cooked up a scheme to stall nintendo in 8th gen --the scheme was to destroy the motion market --which gave nintendo nothing to stand on going into 8th gen
--ms did this by --making HD motion controls(nintendo's natural next move) --and then flooding the market with motion turd --over-saturating the motion market and dissolving consumer demand --sony played ignorant monkey see(mimicking MS in fear of getting left behind) --and actually helped over-saturate the market(without realizing WHAT was going on)
--and companies the size of MS --a HUGE super-conglomerate monopolizer --they actually do get into industries ALL THE TIME --destroy them --monopolize them --reset them --and start over as the only company in the market
@7tizz: --do you reckon that it is just ironic? --or maybe it is straight up almost uncanny --that if you look at the words "xbox one" and you take out the o and x --it says xbone?(like bone headed)
--well how about titanfall? --the game that was supposed to be xb1's gears of war or halo --you know "that" game --and it is called titanfall(like fall from grace) --and then if you just change one little letter to i --it says titanfail --i mean --thats some coincidence
@darksouls: --i was raised by a family of entrepreneurs --i have gone on to own my own business(for around 15 years now) --do i do the worlk for the money? YES --but i also enjoy giving my customers quality workmanship --and knowing the customer is happy --and it is a VERY common theme in the business world
@thatguy2001: --well --to be fair --they arent the same kinda game --one is basically GTA wild west --with cowboy style guns and horses to ride --the other is a HUGE RPG(one of the largest ever made) --that is set in a post apocalyptic world
--is one better than the other? --that is opinion(certainly the gunplay mechanics in RDR are a billion times better than FO4~yet FO4 has a HUGE world full of nonending content) --sure --im a RDR fanatic --followed the game for 2 years before it launched --called it as goty for the entire year leading up to its release --and i have all achievements --and over 400 hrs in the multiplayer --i couldnt get into fallout 4 in the same manner --one because i just dont have as much time as i used to --but the other reason was --fo4 is HUGE
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