@koospetoors: --well --i played titanfall near launch --it was "okay" (6.5/10) --but it got old FAST --plus --noone was ever playing most of the modes --i couldnt even get simple achievements like "play 10 matches of this" and such --i mean --i can handle titanfall getting a sequel(one ill avoid) --but --evolve???(my maion point onm this comment) --haha --i played that one also --for about a day or 2 --it was TERRIBLE(WAY worse than titanfall)
@Stiler: --it is like asking --who woulda thunk letting a bunch of boys play cowboys and indians(in a video game with excellent mechanics) --might actually be awesome
--this is what happens when you build 'real' games --and you dont even give a F about sales numbers or raking in cash(R* could STILL be milking RDR) --no annualized games filled with rehased trash --just solid --passion filled --gaming joy --almost timeless
@Stiler: --the mp is where this game excels --a good start to the MP --is just follow the online based achievments --try and get most of the reasonable ones --and it will really show you what kinda masterpiece the MP is
--and yes --the single player is amazeballs also --just dont see the game as only a single player game --it is SO MUCH more
@UltimateBastard: --murdering all the nouns at the monastery except one --lassoing her and hogtying her --throwing her on back of the horse --riding her to a train track --tossing her on it --and watching the train turn into digital dust(achievement pops "Dastardly" 5 points)
@dominoodle: --actually the publisher announced that the game had been --"played by 10million individual gaming systems"(not purchased) --this included rentals --resales(on ebay and such) --people letting people borrow the game --and let us not forget --just a few months before they made that announcement --titanfall had been free to play as one of XBLgold's games
--god --what is it these days with games that FAIL HORRIBLY --yet they still wanna make a sequel?(coughtitanfailcough) --evolve was one of the worst games of early 8th gen
TheZeroPercent's comments