@iandizion713: --no no --ha --just listen to me(friend~pal) --there are 2 more games coming to wiiU --zelda --and that mario color splash game --but here is the kicker --the mario game is slated(it is the ONLY nintendo game coming to wiiU this holiday season) --ha --the zelda game still has ZERO release date info --and we know it is undoubtedly an NX launch title --besides those 2 games --that is IT --there will be other wiiU games --but not 1st party AAAs --no first party AAAs = dead hardware --the wiiU is dead hardware
--they should of said it(today~or during e3) --but that is why they did the 3ds "official announcements" today --separating their console announcement out --so that they do not have to come out and "officially say" --"well there are NO OTHER games slated for wiiU ever" ha --honestly that color splash game is probably a POS --and they are just using it --so they can sell those 20,000 wiiU's a week(as long as possible~and lord that number is dropping)
--come on buddy --we can do this --listen --wiiU has 1 game coming for the holidays --1 game... --and zelda is a NX launch title --and pikmin 4 'remains in development'(NOWHERE near a release~not even a promised release on any console) --so... --how 'alive' does that sound to you?
--the wiiU can 'be to you' --whatever you want(you are free to believe what you want~as long as you arent hurting anyone else) --but out here --in the summer heat of gaming reality 2016 --wiiU is literally dead hardware
@freedom01: --oh i still have the CE in it's box --i also have the N-club exclusive golden nunchuck(to go with that golden wiimote) --i 100%ed skyward sword --i am FULLY aware --of what kinda 'motions' it took to defeat that game --haha
@iandizion713: --no friend --they said 'it remains in development' --you know what else remains in development --halflife 3? ha (the last guardian comes to mind 'in development' for like a decade) --i mean 'that statement' means the game could end up an iphone app haha --im not tryna kill ya bra --im just telling you the truth
--you have jargon in the gaming industry --learn what it means --'remains in development' --that is not a good one for looking forward to ANYTIME soon --next step would be 'in final stages of development'(with gameplay footage~and such proof) --but what you want --is 'slated for release' --and even then --words like 'delayed' are VERY common --i can guarantee you --many moons have passed --since anyone at nintendo 'laid their hands on' the development of pikmin4 for wiiU --no one woke up this morning --drank 2 cups of coffee --and 'went to work' getting this title out to wiiU
@iandizion713: --shew --i wish i was not right --i would love for not only nintendo --but just a third company in the gaming industry(one of my old favorites) --to be BLOWING US AWAY with 'new refreshing amazing' gaming stuff
--it is sad but true --nintendo has FAILED at the home console game(in 8th gen) --and --if NX does not come out and do something significant --that part of nintendo is most likely gone
--i hate all those haters that always say --nintendo should just do software(like sega) --god i hate those ignorant dumbasses --but --if NX is a huge fail --i dont see nintendo making another home console
--i am excited about nx --extremely excited --but after NOTHING for wiiU earlier at e3(except that WAY OVERDUE zelda title) --but i already knew wiiU was dead(no more 1st party games) --and then this pathetic showing for 3ds --i am let down by nintendo --they are stupid --and it is all their own fault --because i support them --but i cant support NOTHING(i aint buying wiiU games on 3ds~games i already own and DO NOT play anyways)
--not you too? --how can gamers that frequent gaming sites --be so misinformed??? --wiiU is dead hardware brother --they are even putting all the wiiU titles on 3ds ha
--do you need jesus to come back again --save humanity from hell --and also say on the side --"wiiu is not getting anymore games after the last 2 that are slated drop"
@iandizion713: --i made two points --i explained the one you adressed as simple opinion --i see you chose to avoid the other one --the one that is PURE and TRUE fact
@madsnakehhh: --i gotta admit --i mean --in a holiday season of some of the greatest AAAs to have ever launch --i just gotta get in there --and play tennis with princess peach --just ONE MORE F'N TIME --oh lord if thou wilt just granteth me this one wish
--i admitted i was wrong --and i coulda easily deleted this whole message --but --to prove how right i usually am --i have left it as it was --as an example
--you are the one attacking me over and over --for getting this one little fact wrong --because i am never wrong --i can guarantee you --i am one of the truest voices you will hear --i spit nothing but the truth
--as far as skyward sword being 20$ on the eshop --i still suggest buying the hardcopy --because --nitnedo is probably gonna reset their entire eshop system at some point --cant prove it --and i dont know when --but --nintendo EASILY has the worst console internet systems EVER(HORRID SHIT) --the original xbox had a better online infrastructure than wiiU(and that is a damned fact)
--WTF? --are you serious? --"do it all"? --it is a handheld console(WELL halfway past it's life-cycle~more like at the end) --so in reality --it cannot do ANYTHING that a modern home console can do(and lord let us not bring up scorpio or neo~or VR) --and --i didnt see one new 'serious' AAA coming to 3ds(NOTHING to be truly excited about) --just old wiiU game ports --the expected 'super-rehash out da ass' mario sports title --and then pure shit(and not much of it) --wow --how can you even be remotely excited? --first --that wiiU is finally dead(if you cannot see that now...) --and all the 3ds has really 'become' is a dumpster for wiiU games --that is like the saddest thing that has ever happened in nintendoland
TheZeroPercent's comments