@Triton: --the problem with VR --is you cannot 'show' it(unless you put it on~which is basically impossible~to do VR demos~germs and space to do it in) --so --if you do hear anything about VR --you literally can only "hear it" ha
--the reason i run my multiplats on ps4(vs my xb1) --is because twice as many people are using the PSN --which means easier matchmaking --and better deals on used games on ebay(because twice as many people are buying games for it)
--imo --xb1 actually has a slightly better multiplayer interface(it is sorta their strong suit) --but --it isnt worth it --because 1/2 as many gamers are using it
--wait on that --they will be giving em away here pretty soon --Microsoft is determined xb1 isnt gonna fail on the sales charts --and --since it is pretty obvious xb1s isnt selling as well as they'd like(based on the early bundles for xb1s) --the giveaways are coming
--xb1s --free extra controller --3 0r 4 xb1 games --and 50$ gift cards --those deals will be popping up here and there over the next few months
--shit --i remember arguing every year how much more 'realistic' madden was(it is all it has ever been about) --hell --i seriously remember when the most realistic football game was tecmo bowl(not super tecmo bowl~the original) --i got that on my 3ds a few years back --and there is still NOTHING quite like using bo jackson to run for a TD
@Bread_or_Decide: --the whole time that nintendo has been developing wiiU and it's games --like --since inception (for the past half a decade) --all wiiu ever was --was a home console with a 'way out' in case it failed --that way out was this --they developed games that 'depending on certain circumstances' could be dropped on either 3ds or wiiU --also in other words --they didnt use the full potential of wiiU --they just made 3ds capable games and marketed them as wiiU games
--way to have faith in your brand --and trust in your fans --make a home console that --if it failed --you could easily just port all the games to your successful handheld
--i know it may sound a little weird --but --i noticed it before wiiU even launched --it was not exactly a 'secret' --that wiiU was --for the most part --a DS --DS stands for 'dual screens'
TheZeroPercent's comments