--this is not a surprise to me at all --Nintendo likes to make gaming consoles --that --the only way you can 'play' the console's nintendo games --is on the consoles(iow hard to emulate)
--so --i also predict a rather STRANGE controller --that is not your standard traditional style(for nx)
--even gamecube discs were strange and unique --wii used dvd --but it required motion controls for most of the games --and wiiU is a freak of nature
--i actually predict --than 50 years from today --wiiU will be one of the most sought after old gaming consoles --the console's gameplay mechanics suck right now --because gamers desire ps4/xb1 style games(FPS 3PS space and war simulators with thumbsticks) --but in the year 2066 --todays thumbsticks and ps4 graphics9and most common genres) --are gonna look about as intriguing as pong looks today
@fig56: --i mean --haha --i was starting to feel sorry for your stupid ass --i am glad you are not that dumb(though i have met nintendough boys that are seriously pretty stupid~and being in denial will make anyone sound like a loon) --haha
--feel free to troll me any time --but ill remember this ha XP
@jerjef: --when it comes to console hardware units 'sold'(not shipped) --VG is basically 'right on the dot' --vg is also fine for older games that never even went digital --and --when you study or 'focus on it all' long enough(sorta a hobby of mine) --you can just 'get a feel' for it(by mixing in game news stories and such) --i am talking about 'literally' guessing digital sells --but it can only be a guess as to say what(for ex.) no mans sky is selling digitally(that news will only 'pop up' if it is by the company that owns the game bragging about big sells~otherwise it'll stay secret) --but over the next few weeks --VG will pop off VERY accurate boxed copies sales numbers for NMS
--for example --here very recently --gamespot has been pointing out --that xb1 outsold ps4 by a few thousand units in the US(one week or 2) --that VG chart(up there today) is from that same time frame --and is pretty much exactly the numbers gamestop informed
--like i said --it is an 'overall' intake --it takes time to be sure of your numbers --but --follow the gaming news sites --look at VG --search for stories and news about games and hardware(if you wanna get specific) --and you will have a close enough picture(over time) --but --gaming companies tend to keep digital sales like top secret --usually because they are ashamed(id guess IDK honestly)
--but you take a game like gta5 --and you can find stories allover the internet about their digital sales numbers --you have to wait --usually after enough time --ALL the numbers 'come out' for the popular games --shit --even sites like wikipedia have info on it all --also --wikipedia will tell you some dated 'sales info' on current selling products(and sorta sure up your guestimates)
--but ps4 outsells xb1 pretty badly --since day one --ps4 usually outsells xb1 by a bit over 2x a week --and --so --xb has been giving xb1 away --and now they are giving xb1-s away --they are smart to do this --nitentendo stuck their head in the ground with wiiU(and now it is dead hardware) --xbox understands they arent gonna beat sony at the xb1 vs ps4 game --which is why they are doing what MS does --blowing money on a product to keep it alive --if Nintendo hadda done that(and lord they had the funds to do it) --they may have stayed in the game with wiiU --but --the real game that nintendo fucke dup on --is how they are 'percieved' by gamers --this is why xbox is giving xb1 away --and why they came up with scorpio --when it comes to product branding --you have to keep the product 'alive' in the consumers mind --which i mean --it doesnt take too much common sense --to see that scorpio is nothing more --than an attempt by MS to 'keep xbox' viable in the consumer's mind --gotta give it to em --most gamers seem 'taken by' scorpio --me personally --all scorpio is --is a picture of a mother board --and a bunch of paid off verbal support
@jayskoon93: --i cannot imagine there are too many gamers on the planet that have not bought GTA5 --that will EVER buy it ha (ya know those few thousand gamers taht utterly hate gta since they took bigfoot and san francisco out)
--but --i mean even in august --gta5 was still in the top 10(on ps4) --the game still sells at like 35-50$ new --i have never seen a new copy for less than 35$ anywhere(well there is a 8th gen and a 7th gen version~but even the 7th gen version sells for 20$ new) --ridiculous success --that one
@jerjef: --you can claim a figure of speech is a fact --you will not be literal --but --as long as it is a common figure of speech --i mean --this is a gaming website --and --i am not running for any kind of office (XD haha
--you can find sales numbers all over the internet --VGchartz is pretty close --especially for hardware units(you will notice the hardware totals come out sooner than the software) --and --i am not sure if VG adds digital download numbers to their software unit sales chart --but --it is all pretty close on there (except like i said the digital sells are a little wonky and hard to get the numbers on)
--i was in my mid teens when jumanji came out --and it had a young Kirsten Dunst in it(she was about 13-14 about 2 years younger than me) --i just thought she was the cutest little sexy thing i had ever seen --and then --Robins NAILS that part so well --but i think a 'remake' could be interesting --but --now thinking back --i understand why it is gonna be a 'sequel' and not a 'remake' --cause --that movie just blew my early-mid teens adolesent mid 1990s mind --and --a sequel seems a little rude(is it me~or i mean~isn't it literally a lil "too soon" to start remaking some of William's best works~where the Rock is Williams' spiritual successor????)
--i believe 'these sorta' remakes are fine --remakes of the favorite movies of my youth(raped by critics~loved by me) --they hardly ever do an EXCELLENT job(with these types of re-visitations) --but --i understand younger folks and today's kids --cannot really injest these older movies with as much appetite as i could back then
@jerjef: --xb1 is approx 28% of the 8th gen home console market --ps4 is about 55% --i obviously wasnt being literal when i said "everyone" --just a figure of speech --the fact is --ps4 is where WELL MORE than most gamers are
--this is why xbox is basically giving xb1 away(even the new xb1s units~as this article says)
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