--they shoulda just saved all their monies --and went straight to netflix --no one wants to see this shit(with it's metacritic userscore of 2.7/10 ) --though i was surprised that it got a 73% on rotten tomatoes(out of 293 reviews) --that is like --a really good score for mostly any movie --cause movie critics are HARSH
"Do we have teams lying around that are doing nothing right now that [can go and make remasters]? No we don't..."
--THIS --is what i never understood about wiiU and nintendo --why didnt they just "hire more developers"(their networh was like 20billion dollars when wiiU launched) --hire complete teams --buyout developers that were close to going out of business --developers with ideas for the future of gaming --instead? --they dropped like 2-3 nintendo rehash ips a year --and then --act like it is gamer's fault that wiiU failed --and --then COMPLETELY shut wiiU down
@129260: --all 3 console brands are 'sitting on' basically the same sorta mysterious next console --and to be fair to nitnedo --xbox and playstation BLATANTLY 'ripped off' nintendo's invention(with wii) --so --if nintendo has something good --xbox and PS are 'set up' to start figuring how much of nitnendo's invention should effect theirs(the very second they get and idea of what it is)
@iandizion713: --but --BOTW isn't a 'starting point' for some 'renewal of interest' in wiiU --it is more like a funeral march song for wiiu's funeral procession --i mean --we have seen each other on here for a while --i "followed" you long ago(come on follow me back) --i am not trying to make you look dumb --or make you feel bad about what you love --all i am doing --is telling you the truth man
@iandizion713: --no --you simply do not have the facts --sony came out and literally said --"we are making no more sony AAA ips for vita" --nintendo only ever hinted at it --they never said it(but it has been said)
--wiiu is 'officially' dead hardware --starfox was a throw away(obviously some old mess that had been in 'development hell' forever) --and paper mario splash is nothing more than the VERY last game Nintendo is EVER gonna make for wiiU --and hell it might even be a good game(wiiU has a tendency to have great titles) --but what does it matter? --nintendo has abandoned wiiU --that much is clear
--wiiU is "dead hardware" --just like vita --except at least playstation had the balls to come out and tell fans "it is finished" --unlike nintendo --who have been napping for like 2-3 years(and they seem they could care less about their TRUEST fans)
TheZeroPercent's comments