@rasterror: --slavery has been around for THOUSANDS of years --slaves built the pyramids --america didnt start slavery --we abolished it(A LONG TIME AGO)
--as for the controller --you can buy the thumbstick grips from china for about 1$ a piece(and yes they are oem) --then --you can get an upgraded battery(after market) for about 8$ --it will easily give you around double the battery life --and it is all pretty easy to install
--oh that is not true(saying "the game had an Achilles's heel" is an opinion) --sonic's 'calling-card' was precision(at speed~also massive amounts of memorization) --which --left most westerners --basically never getting anywhere in the game --cause is was high IQ japanese styled --sorta like --the original SMB2 --which --even today --is damn near impossible to get half way through
--check out this guy's "Green Hill Zone act 2" run(in sonic 1) --that is pretty much how the game was designed to be played
@Xristophoros: --i think A LOT of the FF fanatics --are not aware that this game has ZERO turn-based combat --see --me personally --that is a 'turn on' for me --cause i actually HATE turn-based --simply because --i just grew up playing atari(and early arcades) --and even early NES didnt have too much turn-based(if i am not mistaken) --lots of 'live feel' action --i just never really played FF(by chance~maybe the rental store i rented from didnt have it) --or any other games that had turn-based --i remember i was about 17-18 years old when pokemon 'took off' --and all i could think was --"why in the hell would i want to play a card game on a video game system" --it always seemed so boring to me --like i mean --i have tried over the years to actually absorb an enjoyment for turn-based(becuase so many GREAT games use it) --but of course --i also hate the strategy genre --so --live action it is for me(but i hate/loath darksouls and bloodborne~go figure) --which definitely has me eyeing the release of this mysterious monstrosity of a game FFXV
@darthrevenx: --i mean --they made the slim --and right out of the gate --they are giving away extra xb1 controllers(and games) with xb1s bundles --ridiculous! --and honestly --as much as i would like to agree that first party IPs(and even just ANY exclusives at all) --are what 'sells consoles' --look at wiiU --and do not even try it --that console had --over 2 dozen TOP NOTCH aaa exclusives --easily one of the most 'highly rated exclusive' ridden consoles ever
@jessie82: --i completely agree --i think a lot of what makes 'most' movies 'work' --is "great acting --by relatively unknown actors" --it can be surprising though --sometimes after you see some solid acting by what you though was an unknown --and you go check there filmomgraphy --and they have been acting in hollywood blockbusters for like 20 years --and you have seen like 10 movies they were in
--but yeah --remember in interstellar? --when they got to mars? --and FRICKIN matt damon pops up? --as if the movie wasnt hard enough to take serious with mcconaughy as the lead(all though he did fine) --but --dropping matt damon was sooo ridiculous --i almost spit my popcorn out --and it was all i could do not to bust out laughing in the theater --it was easily one of the worst cases of overcasting --i have ever seen
--imo --aint nothing wrong with going back to 7th gen --and reloading the visuals to modern spec(you havent gotta 'buy it new'~and itll 'be around' forever) --because --in 7th gen we were SO CLOSE(to games that will 'hold up' forever) --so updating is a pretty easy and inexpensive process --and it really gives modern access to our gaming heritage for many years to come --i mean --there are 20 year old gamers today --that were only 11 when bioshock1 came out(9 years 'can be' a long damn time) --the clock keeps moving fellas --and we gotta keep EVERYONE on board(and up to date)
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