xbox has yet to make more money than MS has dumped into the companyxbox has actually been a large los$ for MSthe loss could be as big as 100 billionyes 100,000,000,000$
@dreamfist11 i said xbox and playstationgo learn what a super conglomerate isand then come back atsweety cakes
@dreamfist11 he has to defend nintendobecasue youre talking crap about nintendoand all you speak is ignorant lies
@Vodoo --youre dead wrong son--wii has sold 96,000,000 units--360 has sold 67,000,000 units--PS3 has sold 64,000,000 units--when xbox and playstation are the next sega(eventually it will happen) --nintendo will still be dumping out goofy video game systems that specialize in goofy games that can only be played on the dorky consoles--nintendo not only paid to have the playstation developed--nintendo has been in the gaming buisness for over 100 years--nintendo was established in 1889--nintendo will still be guiding the gaming industry in 2089 and 2189and--even though nintendo posted losses this year--nintendo has dozens of times more net worth than playstation or xbox
boasts the largest scope ina GTA yet?ru kidding meim guessing san andreas size map(s) with the clogged thickness of gta4
--im gonna be rude(but i feel i have a right)cause i could swear whoever wrote this articleis pretty damn gaming ignorant--what was special about the PS2?(dvd ? ru ignorant?)--wiiU may try to be innovative and fail in the "same way the dreamcast did?(ru ignorant?)--nintendo needs to "follow the competition" (ru you helen keller?& ignorant)--wiiU needs to "become the sports king"?have you heard of a little game called wii sports ?(just saying, is U igNOrant?)
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