@Mbrans25den but PS3 has bluray for watching netflixandit also has playstation 1 controllersso i think i know a thing or 2 about PS3 parts
@RitsukoEX yes ima trollbut youre "just trolling"and lets just be friendsi gotta little carried away on the name callingso i take back the curses
@Trickymaster the marketing power isnt fading?the majority of gamers will continue to buywhatever xbox and PS puts up
@roleplayer2004 exactly what this guy saidanyone in disagreementiswellyoure ignorant(but dont be offended)ignorance can fixed quickly
@Mbrans25den kinnect was a marketing ploy to cash in on some wii moneythe time and money spent investing in kinnectthen no real turnover?thats why xbox and PS are stalling their 8th gen
@RitsukoEX -- tahts a bit rude?--just becasue he obviously sees a new gen machine as something he cant afford--is no reason to call him names--his stance is reasonable
@HelghastUser desperate gamers?how about realistic gamers ?its was time for 8th gen when xbox dropped kinnectthe only reason we dont have 8th genis because of move and kinnect
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