@the-games-masta: --as an american I had no idea what you were talking about --ironically --after reading about it on the internet --i still am not exactly sure what it is --is it like a modern version of manna from heaven?
@the-games-masta: --it is odd at the moment though --there are 2000 userscores tallying up to 5.0/10(basically useless info~most times) --and then --the one critic score is exactly the same --ha
--WELL over the majority of the game has been playable for MONTHS --if you cant see 'what is going on' here --have you never seen this? --the developer/publisher 'setting their game up' so that it has an 'excuse' for a review embargo?
--the reason i frown SO HEAVILY upon it is simple --it will QUICKLY become the standard --they do it as not to lose preorders(publishers also get bonu$es from retailers for their preorder sales)
--there was PLENTY of game to be reviewed(normally) --the developer has made it PRETTY clear that the game is so huge that you could never even explore even close to 1/1,000,000th of the content(them having claimed 3000 years of gameplay to explore the whole game) --so there was PLENTY of game to 'get a feel' for what the game is --and there is NO WAY a reviewer couldnt have dropped their average of 10-40hrs into this one --at any point over the last 2 months --and come up with a VERY spot on review of what the game is
--like i have said --it is not the reviewer's faults --just crooked business
TheZeroPercent's comments