@Marky360: --man bro --they can barely sell a xb1 --giving em away with tvs and shit --so --how likely do you think it is --that if they have figured out a way to get people to actually purchase xb1s at full price --that they wouldnt have as many --as there is demand for?
--you better believe they have the demanded product(xb1) 'ready to go' --and this sells technique is like literally --one of the oldest tricks in the book --we only have 5 left --that shit sways buyers all day every day
@smokerob79: --sony is a super-conglomerate --with a net worth of 18billion dollars --they arent going ANYWHERE --playstation has always done fine(for over 4 generations PS has almost always been in the black)
--Microsoft is a super-conglomerate 'monopolizer' --with a networth of just under 70billion dollars --they arent going ANYWHERE --xbox has left them with a MAJOR debt hole(billions of dollars in unreturned investments)
--nintendo is a single corporation(gaming exclusively) --with a networth of 18 billion dollars --they arent going ANYWHERE --they have MANY products that are THRIVING --3ds --pokemon app --amiiibos --software for 3ds and wiiU(yes wiiU games have been finacially fruitful for nintendo) --true wiiU hasnt been a success(a failure) --but --Nintendo is the true king of the gaming world 'fiscally'
--PC gaming is the wild wild west --unfortunately --brands like alienware and now even valve/steam --cannot get PC gaming to be a 'product' --leaving PC gaming to it's own devices --but as far as PC tower based gaming goes --we live in a world where the computers of tomorrow are all portable
--portable smartdevices are the future of everything --in 5-10 years --your average portable smartdevices --will be some of the most powerful computers on the planet(they already kinda are) --erasing a need for almost ANY other electronic device --smartphones have already almost completely removed a need for --cameras --video cameras --casual gaming consoles --laptops/desktops(for basic personal usage~not at a professional level for like editing digital media) --compasses --clocks/watches --thermometers --weathermen(not meterologists) --video rental stores --music players --gps units --landline phones --cable television(this one is still in transition~but dissolving QUICKLY)
--computer tech grows exponentially(fact~all day every day 24/7~steadily) --and when you start multiplying what smart devices are already doing and have done --when you start multiplying it exponentially into the future --and you 'look out' 10 years --it is impossible to see what reality we will have come to --because in just 5 years --things are gonna start getting REAL weird(mainly when computers start figuring out how to increase their own speeds) --it is professionally estimated that over the next decade --the world will be almost unrecognizable to any humans of today
@Mogan: --No Man's Sky developers/publishers embargoed the reviews --been there --seen that --you either know what that means --or you do not --but --it has ZERO TO DO WITH my opinion
--is it "mature" for us to sit back and take one in the ass? --get real
@Barighm: --the day 0 patch was a reason to embargo the reviews(and NOTHING more) --if you can not see that --than you probably cant see that scorpio is nothing more than a pic of a motherboard --and an attempt to rebuild interest in their brand
--i know that sounds rough --nothing personal --it is just gaming stuff --but i have seen it all too many times
@heqteur: --naw --first off this HAS NOTHING to do with the reviewers themselves(fault-wise) --the reviews are embargoed --this is done to keep pre-orders --and so the average video game consumer has no reason NOT to buy the game --it is a crooked practice
--WELL OVER the majority of this game has been 'playable' for MONTHS --and --there was PLENTY of time for ALL reviewers to do a SOLID review(pre launch)
TheZeroPercent's comments