--the sooner even one f'n score gets dropped --then ill experience the first 20 minutes of this game --you cant BS me --and anyone who thinks im full of shit needs to learn a thing or 2 about how reviews are dropped
--game officially vetoed until all reviews are in --crooked bastards
--no i am not playing NMS --and yes --i am lost --i am lost as to how yall cant give the game a score yet
--and you better not spout out that BS excuse of resetting memory or whatever the hell --some of the dumbest sounding BS you can spew --for it is nothing but a NS excuse
--so --instead of giving us a review --yall are gonna show the whole game off (with 20 videos) --no thanks --i will take my review please
--i refuse to purchase a game with no reviews(especially because of an embargo) --ive been gaming 30 years --and id advise you(other gamers) to take my lead --bastards
--an embargo is never good --i could understand if it was an online only game --but even then --between bots betas and other reviewers --99% of 'multiplayer only' games could be reviewed before launch --so why not this game? --because of BS --i would advise you not to buy this game before at least 20 reviews come out(for the metascore)| --crooked bastards
@BLiTZ_156: @cornbredx --if you didnt know it was leto --and you didnt have any expectations --you would just be wondering --where did they find the joker?
--the uniqueness of the character left a lot of questions unanswered --and imo he stole the show --even though harley quinn was the real standout
--sorta ridiculous how may people dont understand the seriousnesss and accuracy of the metascore --SS's metascore of 40/100 is based on 53 reviews --there is no conspiracy here
--the movie was a piece of cinematographic fail --i was surprised not that the metascore was 40/100 --but that when i watched the movie --by the time i got near the end --i almost just walked out because i had to piss(and could care LESS what happened) --i was surprise at how accurate the metascore was
@cornbredx: --the acting --actors and characters in the movie are ALL amazing --it is the pace that is HORRIFIC --and also the lack of thrill that leave the movie flat(in the end) --the movie has no build or release(no timing) --it is just a few cheap thrills here and there(though they are good~the little there is) --a BUNCH of stopping the pace to explain and 'backstory' of every single character(they did it more than once) --and a HORRIBLY produced outro(about as boring generic and unsatisfying as it gets)
--it is sorta like --whats at the guns store!(lets go) --oh thats AWESOME deadshot got a cool gun! He is shooting it all cool AWESOME YEAH --now harley's turn OH WOW that is cool! she is being all sexy and interesting --well guess what --now it another characters turn to pick a gun.. --and then it hits you --OMG they are gonna have to do EVERY SINGLE character --yawn --crocodile man --fire boy --the guy with a beard(that steals stuff) --the Asian girl with swords --yawn --is that other guy still alive? --get him in here then --we wanna see what gun he picks out --now --back to the movie
@DanZillaUK: --they hated the movie --because of it's lack of pace and thrills --the pace is ALL over the place --and there are basically no thrills
--imo --the trailer is the best part of the movie --it has awesome pace --and is a full thrill --unfortunately in the movie --the scenes from the trailer are the only good parts
TheZeroPercent's comments