@suicidesn0wman: --it is natural in gaming to draw towards one of four hardware deities to worship --xbox --ps4 --nintendo --PC
--many gamers draw towards more than 1 --but most stick to 1
--for me personally --i have just 'seen it all' too many times --i remember when there was no xbox or playstation --and when i look out into the future --i can EASILY see both brands being things of the past
@graffitiheart: --i swear --i am not making it up --i have seen 'informations' over the years talking about how much MS initially invested in xbox to 'get it going' --and then how little the original xbox made them back --it was a HUGE unbalance(billions in loss) --then --they turn right around and spend WAY more to engineer 360(which turned out GREAT) --but then the 360s started RRODing(which MS was fixing for free~paying shipping and everything) --and when it was all said and done --once again MS had invested WAY more into 360 than they got back --by the end of 7th gen --it was reported that MS had lost as much as 300billion$ on xbox
--i know the number sounds crazy --but --ms is about as big of a super-conglomerate as it gets --even smaller corporations can write-off investments they lost --and get A LOT of it back in tax returns(and such) --and i mean --as big as MS is --they know 'all the tricks' man to get back losses and never payup on credit based investments
--and like i said --even if it is lower than 300B$ --it is still a fact that xbox is a HUGE hole for MS
@suicidesn0wman: --that is a big problem these days with xbox/xb1 fanatics --if you just speak the basic facts of ps4 vs xb1 --it sounds like you are a saluting PS --when in reality --you are just stating facts
--gta5 has been selling at the top of the charts for 3 years --but what is truly amazing about gta5 --is that the price has hardly ever been dropped(and i dont think the game has ever been on sale~if so not much) --the 8th gen game is still selling for 40$-full price new retail --and the 7th gen new is still upwards of 35$+ --truly RIDICULOUS how much they must have raked in on this game --and are still adding bank
@Xristophoros: --yea --it was pretty obvious to me --that either the directors and executives that all worked to put the film together --either didnt care --couldnt handle a movie like this --or simply misfired
--but i feel it was just a movie that introduced a BUNCH of characters at once(forced on the producers by a 'higher up' ceo type) --so they could make as many individual movies about each character as possible --that seems to be the new standard for comic book movies
@mpl911: --xb1 is dead(at the time xbox said it would be replaced the xb1 was only 2.5 years old) --i am not talking about the xb1 alone --i am claiming that the entire xbox brand is dying --mainly because the only product xbox makes are consoles --and xb1 simply isnt selling
--nothing quite says we are having trouble selling a video game console --like giving a 50" tv away with it
--pop quiz: --if xb1 isnt selling --why would they make a whole new console?
@imjust1joe: --there are already at least 3 sequels planned based on BvS(a direct sequel~individual wonder woman~the flash~aqua man) --it is just how they make these movies these days --we live in the age of making movies based on super hero groups --and then --getting as many of the individual heros in each movie their own movie --and the sheeple will go to ALL of these in droves --and we will get even more of these watered down comic hero mioves
@graffitiheart: --so --you want me to go back and find probably well over 100 articles --from the internet over the last 20 years --that show you that MS has invested more into xbox than they have made back?
--what is it with people these days?(like the world owes them a favor) --demanding i go do something for you(like you are my king or something) --i do as i please --and ill tell you the damn truth --Microsoft is NOTORIOUS for spending more money on products than they make back --and it is rumored to be as much as 300b$ on xb --is it 300B$? im not sure of the exact number myself --but it is A LOT --it is in the dozens of millions in loss at the very least --and my whole point is --xbox has never made ONE SINGLE DOLLAR in turnover
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