@rmokeefe76: --oh no --i said you gotta "catch it at the right time" --wait until it has been out a little while(at certain times in the day~ the tickets should not be much more than 7$) --go to walmart --they sell ALL the candy they sell at the theater for A LOT less --plus --at the end of the day --you took your girl out --which is always a good idea
--the score is embargoed across the board --usually not the best sign --that the developer believes in the game --i mean --the game releases in a few hrs --TIME FOR THE SCORE!
--based on the embargo --and the uniqueness of the games genre(and all the eccentricities) --im guessing/predicting the score is gonna be a 6/10 --would love to be wrong
--it takes time --but i have a knack for "driving a wedge" into a fanatic --and helping them become 4 equalized pieces --it is all about the games
--for example --no mans sky comes out tomorrow --and i keep forgetting it is only on ps4/pc --because i own and enjoy both ps4 and xb1(and i support pc gaming) --and i dont care which console it is on --i am only concerned to check it --but --i am still gonna wait for the full score tally --and --a few patches --cause you know that game is gonna need a bazillion patches
@xgalacticax: --right this minute --the game i am enjoying most is state of decay year one on xb1(i always wanted to play it on 360~but i was tied up with wiiU's launch~then not long after xb1 and ps4 launched) --i am coming close damn near beat the shit out of horizon2(cause i got the game for free~tried it~fell in LOVE with it) --and --one of the games i am most excited to hear more about is state of decay 2 --cause i believe it could be one of the greatest games with a proper budget(time) and builders involved --yet i also got a free copy of halo 5 --and i couldnt get through the first level fro boredom
--it isnt about one being better than the other --it is about the games --and how much we wanna play them --what is the game i am most interested in today? --i wanna know what the F'n score is on no mans sky --i wanna play ff15 --and mafia 3 --all multiplats --and i will play them all on ps4 --because i want more trophies pn that account --becuase i have like a 25000 xb gamerscore --and only have like 500PS trophies --but also --i dont even like ps4 better than xb1 --both are about the same --and are fine consoles
@graffitiheart: --the story is --that xbox was originally conceived as a "box" that brought internet to the home tv set --shoot --15-20 years ago(and even still today) --the home tv console was the God of advertisement and influence(and pure power) --so --MS wanted xbox to be on the 'main line' hooked to the tv via internet(and in control of it)
--in other words xbox was supposed to replace the cable box(and give MS full control over tv's content) --if pulled off properly --the xbox had the potential to make 300billion dollars a day(exaggeration to prove a point for a LARGE investment) --so what went wrong? --who would have thought way back in 98-2005(xbox's launch years) --that by 2008-2010 --a service like netflix would come along --and for almost nothing --give consumers access to thousands of movies for 8$ a month(how many times did i leave a blockbuster without spending atleast 20-100$ every weekend) --and then there is also youtube(and such digital services~also smartphones) --the internet has made MANY entertainment mediums almost impossible to make the kind of money that the same the same avenues made back 15-20 years ago) --so MS overshot the value of this "internet to tv box" they had designed --so --in a last ditch effort --around the launch of 8th gen --MS just showed their hand --and tried to see if people trusted their brand enough to let them pull off their masterplan --there was a problem --by the time 8th gen launched --NO ONE was using gaming consoles except HARDCORE gamers --and by the time the xb1 launched --it was too late
--disagree --it is one thing to understand the art and subtleness of cinematography(and judge a movie properly by it) --but --it is another thing --to watch a movie --that is less exciting in it's second half than the cold 'kernel loaded' popcorn that is left in the bottom of the bag
--suicide squad had about as much pace as a racecar that has to pit-stop every lap --to make room for a back story about every other racer on the track
TheZeroPercent's comments