--if GS keeps making stories about every single gaming company's stock numbers --yall are gonna need a weekly show about the stock market --and --i am not sure how great that show would do --but --you never know?
@silversix_: --i would rather see a gears movie --but --ONLY because of the gnarly chainsaw rifle scenes --but yea --a bygone era --Halo and gears(and brand defining gaming franchises)
--oh my god --can you imagine the fat checks he keeps getting? --i mean this is F'n Spielberg --and --he is 'acting' all concerned about some 'video game movie' that he probably could not care less about --that he has been 'working on' for how long now? --i mean --look at Spielberg there --and those xbox brands around him --and you can just smell the money --no seriously --try it
--hopefully they DO NOT start pushing these games out from that 'dead cold money stance' --they certainly have made PLENTY of Soul's games for a little while here --companies make too many games 'too close together' these days --and they COMPLETELY DESTROY franchises --cougharkhamcoughasscreedcoughfarcrycough
--it would be cool to see someone try and make bojack look even more realistic(like an actual person) --like --he is a horse(obviously) --but --some people kinda look like horses(as well as many different animals) --as a matter of fact --now that i think about it --joey and jesse(from fullhouse) --kinda both had 'the horse thing' going on in those days --i think it may be the mullet style hairdo --with lots of puff and curl to it --then you gotta have a long face with a strong full jaw --and be like super naturally beard growy --and the right kinda nose
--they accuse sarah jessica parker as looking like a horse --but that is just because of her teeth mainly --some folks just look like horses
@casana: --yea --i was thinking it was actually more like "that" or even maybe a yottabyte or something --ha --i have no idea how to do the actual math there
--i went in aware of the 42/100 metascore --so i wasnt expecting to have my hair blown back --but --i was not expecting to agree that the movie is a 42/100 ha --being nice i would give it a 6.5-7/10(just for the sight seeing~and the VERY few thrills r good ones)
--the acting is great(all the way across the board) --the casting is great --the characters feel real and believable(yet somtimes it also seems like a bunch of actors standing on a soundstage bouncing superhero banter around) --the set pieces~artwork and material are great --the movie's main problem is 'pacing'
--there are simply too many characters --and it almost feels like --they have to just keep 'jamming roles in' for the minor characters --information that slows the movie's pace to A CRAWL
--you have 8 heros/villians to fit in(and on top of that batman superman and the flash even have parts) --there is simply too much to fit it --by the time Quinn gets going(which she has NO PROBLEM doing) --or by the time Smith's character gets a pace(which is an even easier task) --you have to STOP...! --hault --and tell some back-story(or just a line)from some character that almost shouldnt even be in the film
--i went in aware of the 42/100 metascore --so i wasnt expecting to have my hair blown back --but --i was not expecting to agree that the movie is a 42/100 ha --being nice i would give it a 6.5-7/10(just for the sight seeing~and the VERY few thrills r good ones)
--the acting is great(all the way across the board) --the casting is great --the movie feels real and believable(yet somtimes it also seems like a bunch of actors standing on a soundstage bouncing superhero banter around) --the set pieces~artwork and material are great --the movie's main problem is 'pacing'
--there are simply too many characters --and it almost feels like --they have to just keep 'jamming roles in' for the minor characters --information that slows the movie's pace to A CRAWL
--you have 8 heros/villians to fit in(and on top of that batman superman and the flash even have parts) --there is simply too much to fit it --by the time Quinn gets going(which she has NO PROBLEM doing) --or by the time Smith's character gets going(which is an even easier task) --you have to STOP...! --hault --and tell some back-story(or just a line)of some character that almost shouldnt even be in the film
--just got done watching SS --i sorta loved his version(i already knew what he was pretty much gonna do) --but he did an outstanding job playing as joker --if you did not know it was him(while watching) --you would just wonder where they found the joker at(to act in a movie)
TheZeroPercent's comments