@spartanx169x: --donald trump said he would build a wall cutting off mexico from china --and he said he would make mexico pay for it --i guess what i am saying is --do not believe everything your hear people say(especially if it is microsoft)
--i dont know how most of yall --cant see scorpio for what it is --it is "a picture of a mother board" --and "paid off game building companies speaking well of it" --simply put --scorpio is 'basically' a myth(to build support for the failing xbox brand) --mark my words --scorpio and the word 'delayed' will become very tight-nit over the next 2-4 years
--we already know this --what we dont know --is how many millions microsoft paid Todd Howard to speak on the scorpio reveal video --but --i will give you an estimate --Todd hides his networth --and they paid him less to spokesperson scorpio --than they paid him to make sure skyrim would not run on ps3 --i would guess they paid him at least 3million for that 'script read support'(on scorpios reveal video) --and they are STILL dumping millions to him(and bethesda) --in cash and in secret/under the table
@uchihasilver: --i had 3U on 3ds --after about 20hrs i went to wiiU --and IT WAS SIMPLY AMAZEBALLS --i put like 500hrs in --played 4U on 3ds but I use the circle pad pro(gotta get one if you really wanna spend HRS in it) --but --i just cant sit there for 500hrs --staring and and un-ergonomically grasping the 3ds --a shame really(after about 140hrs i just had to leave it be) --i just aint interested in X --i cant go back to 3ds for it(at this point in the 8th generation) --such a shame
--there are a few newer monster hunters on wiiU that are Japanese only --but --i just aint trying to play MH in Japanese(haha not my cup of tea)
--i am really starting to love this new age we live in --where tv shows just pop off every day --and like --"here is the whole season at once" --and "you can watch it all whenever you want" --and --it seems they just really are making some 'straight up' masterpieces these days --when it comes to the tv shows
--it is too good to be true(i tell ya) --mark my words --someone is gonna try to cash in on this --which will destroy it --so --when ye pray pray as this --"lord leteth our art not be defiled by the evil one --and also --fuckith bread --giveth us the Dominos
--Prometheus was SUCH A GREAT idea(and they pulled it off well) --i mean --in this over a decade long age of masterful 'prequels' --it was easily in the top 5 --now...??? --you can just sorta feel the cash being grabbed at --but hopefully i am wrong --maybe someone involved here is not 'justa grinnin' each day when they check their bank accounts
TheZeroPercent's comments