--well --it wont be the first comic book based movie that gets RAPED by the critics --yet --goes on to make 100s of million$ --and more than 1 sequel --but --a poor soul CAN hope --can they not?
--look at ps4 --it was less than half the size of xb1 --and had no heat brick in the cable --you think MS cant make a piece of hardware on par with sony? --i am not trying to be rude --so dont get me wrong --but --the fact is --xbox made xb1 so big --so they could turn around and make a slim VERY appealing
@RedWave247: --i just wanna be friends(on here) --it is like i told 7nizz --if you wont follow me back --be my GS friend --i am not interested in getting this weird with people who wont be friendly --sorry
--it is the reason the original xb1 was SO F'N HUGE --the first time i saw it --i knew right from that very second --"they made it real big so they could sell a slim in the future" --and OH what a slim it looks like --compared to that WAY unnecessarily over-sized first one
@smokerob79: --dude --transfomers reap a MEGA BUTT ton at the box office --i just read the numbers(to get exact) --and --the last 2 made more than 1 billion each(with like 250 million$ budgets) --and either way --i am not exactly sure what your point is?
--further proving my point(that comic book fans drive comic book movies main ticket sells) --yes --there are THAT many comic book fans --have you ever been to comic-con? ha --even in the SMALLEST towns --comic book stores thrive --there is a LARGE-set comic book following in this world --and they are EXTREMELY LOYAL and dedicated
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