@RedWave247: --tisnt true --if NO comic book fans went to the next 15 super hero movies(the ones already scheduled) --like seriously --ALL comic book fans in the modern western world --COMPLETELY vetoed the next 15 comic book based movies --hollywood would never made another comic book movie EVER --because all 15 movies would be a HUGE failure at the box office
--there is black and white --and grey --and you MUST understand all 3 'equally'
--ive owned a ps4 and xb1 since launch --i LOATHED limbo --almost as much as i did Journey or flower --i played all of those --i think ill wait until they are selling this and "Inside" on PC --for a coupla dollars each --and try em out(since they are sooooo OVERRATED) --what? --ABZU may never come to PC? --oh wait --it IS a PC game
--hell according to the score card --ABZU is also on xb1 ???(and yall want me to trust your score)?
@Servare: --hollywood figured out in the early-mid 2000s that --there is a HUGE mass of dedicated comic book loyalist --and they will go see ANYTHING comic book related --and --it kinda pisses me off --because i quit reading comic books in the early 90s
--i mean dont get me wrong --Spider-Man(2002) --and Batman Begins(2005) --are easily some of my favorite movies EVER --but --then... --well... --the comic book movies are done well(mostly) --but --it just is not good for our beautiful gift from the gods of cinematography --to spend 40-60% of it's biggest budgets on comic book movies(EVERY year) --that ALL get watched by pretty much the same exact people --ha --it is just --bad
--they have been making this movie for a while(it should be pretty intense) --and Leto usually puts EVERYTHING he has into his characters --but Smith? --i mean --he is just making a 'cash grab' to pay some bills for his grown children's lack of income --(ok that was mean~but it is true) --i just feel a little betrayed by Smith being put in this film --the fresh prince of bel-air? --in THIS movie? --ha
--if you dont have a xb1 --or want a 2nd one --keep a look out for some PRETTY AMAZING bundles with the original --come black friday --there will be a line behind walmart --at the dumpsters
--seriously though --i own a day one xbox(that is only defined by the controller and the box it came in) --and i recently bought my 2nd xb1(on amazon day) --for in house multiplayer racing --and i promise you --amazon basically paid me 75$ to take it --no kidding
@d-man: --look --do not get defensive --open your heart and listen to me(i am not playing games)
--obviously we have not been talking about art 'in general'(or literally defined by webster's) --i am speaking of 'genuine' human art(of any medium) vs 'forced art'
--a good example is most artist have 'a peak' in their creativity --and at their peak --you get to see the artist's truest heart(this 'sorta art' could be claimed to almost come from another world) --a popular example could be tim burton --his most authentic works come from the late 80s - early 90s(his peak) --what makes burton such a great example --is he made a complete movie when he was 13(it can be watched on youtube it is called "The Island of Dr Agor") --you can quickly see that Burton has his own style or art(true art) --and in this early example you can see his influences(such as Dr. suess and early 20th century silent films) --but there is still an amateur feeling to this movie(as would be expected from a 13 year old) --it just is not that great --yet --you can still see that even at 13 Burton has created 'true art'(the 'style' of his clay figures is genuine and undefiled) --this 'style' will carry on throughout ALL his art during his entire career --and is undeniably the 'invention' of Burton --but the movies Beetlejuice(1988) Batman(1989) Edward Scissor Hands(1990) & The Nightmare Before Christmas(1993) --are BY FAR his best work --his truest art --where as many of his later works --are simply forced --like Charlie and the Chocolate factory(2005) Dark Shadows(2012) Abraham Lincoln vampire hunter(2012) --and THEN.. --the ATROCITY --the PUREST PIECE OF SHIT he could ever bring his horribly faded artistic touch to --... --Beetlejuice 2 --yes what a PERFECT example --of a pure fucking turd drop --from what was once one of the most original movie makers in modern history --Beetlejuice 2
--so what is an example of this 'true art' that i speak of? --edward scissor hands is my favorite of his(thought beetlejuice is also very 'true'~and also Nightmare B4 Cmas) --and what is an example of a whored out goat's ass? --beetlejuice 2
--i have to say it --as much as all the xbone heads always call me a ps fanboy --and cant accept that i am usually just 'speaking the truth'(which 99% of the time makes xb1 look PRETTY bad vs ps4) --the truth is that --since xb1 has added reverse compatibility to their free with gold games(which means you can play all the free games on xb1) --it would be nice if ps4 had that option with their free PS+ games
TheZeroPercent's comments