@gmanfromheck: @PS2fweak@d-man@doubtless1 --yea --but if you go to their web page --you'll quickly find that these are genuine artists(with quite a knack for original art) --that will create something that is very popular in search engines --only to draw attention to their actual art
--now please --look at my OP --see where i say "it sucks that we live in a world where artists have to do this just to get any recognition" --well --i am sympathizing with them(and i am saying that the world is a sad place for an artist)
@doubtless1: --chefs arent artists(in the context that i am here talking about artists)
--your musician reference didnt make any sense --the way it is worded --it doesnt really 'apply' --"when a musician uses creativity?" --if he is "using it" to make himself famous(putting his natural artistic desires aside to do so) --yes --it removes the art from his music --and turns it into product
--we live in a modern western world were there are less and less true artists --and more and more 'artists' who JUST wanna be famous(and nothing else) --fame and art are not related to each other in spirit --the human spirit cannot be forced --true art has to come from the true heart of a human/artist --if an artist's true heart is sit aside --and tied up on a chair with duct-tape over it's mouth(especially to reach for fame or wealth) --the artist has done art itself a horrible injustice --and he is no longer creating art --he is creating a product only
--there is a difference in being an 'artist' --and being a creator of product
@doubtless1: --all i am saying is --when an artist uses their abilities to garner web page clicks --based mainly on current popular search topics(and a desire to make anything besides 'their' art) --then it is not really art anymore --it is only product --art is not meant to be taken and turned into McDonalds hamburgers
--wow --i wouldnt have guess it was that high of a percentage --sony? --i mean they have been a pretty big company since the mid-late 50s --but --jeeze --they had the Walkman(talk about a big deal) --and they basically designed and owned compact discs for their entirety(which is one of the main realities playstation was born from)
--it hasnt even started yet --some technologies just take a while to 'find their audience'(tv did~cable tv did~cell phones~etc) --especially new tech like this(you got high price points~it is a little odd~and is SUCH a luxury item) --i also dont think anyone is seriously expecting VR to 'take the place' of the way we game(for the most part) --VR is much more than just a hardcore gaming peripheral --it's future potential is ridiculously uncomprehendable in today's technological world
--but yes --your main point is on key --someone is gonna have to create a 'product image' for VR(a friendly one) --and advertise it commercially --because right this minute --it seems like inaccessible over-priced alien technology(to most)
--ha --if it isnt for kids under 12? --then really --i mean --who is it for?
--i understand we live in a modern western society that 'can not grow up' --but still --did they put "no one under 12" on there just to drive the kids crazy? --i mean --id guess it is for lawsuit issues
--it sucks that we live in a world --were artist have to mimic popular subjects just to get any recognition --i mean --stranger things is a great show --and these guys are amazing at drawing --but --do we really need art from a show like stranger things? --idk --i guess it is kinda cool --i just hope they didnt draw just because of the shows popularity at them moment(to aquire web hits) --art isnt meant to be used for that(no matter what medium)
@hystavito: --yes --as stoked as i am to see how this game turns out(and how close release is) --i am also just kinda seeing a game --that isnt 'based around' a HIGH quality progression --and any developer worth 2 cents --understands that besides massive sweet game-play mechanics --you gotta have a 'solid steadily awarding' progression system --seems --the game could come off a bit daunting --it makes me ask --how to build a game that is SOOO HUUUGE --around a highly stimulating progression system --and 'keep up' that stimuli
--i thought it was obvious i wasn't being literal --in order for VR to become 'popularized' --it is gonna need some serious "image branding" --right now the thing could seem(to some parents) like that thing on Doc's head when he first meets Marty in 1955 --or a leading cause in brain cancer in Chinese slave labs(to less informed gamers~which is like well over the majority of hardcore gamers)
--i mean(i exaggerated to prove my point) --but --VR is weird and hard to understand(because it is a 'visible product' that u cant see in an ad ha) --someone needs to turn VR into a viable 'product' --else it will just stay a very low key oddity --and never have any real mainstream success
--all i have said is --VR could use some SERIOUS product branding --image branding --and then commercial imaging and advertising --i truly believe that in most gamer's minds --VR just seems "unattainable"(for many reasons) --VR needs to be familiarized --and made a realistic desire in consumer's minds
TheZeroPercent's comments