@RhythmAndBlues: --you are smart --apparently everyone else just believes whatever MS tells them(F'N MS~i dont believe anything they say) --now(also) --there is all that 'read by script' gloating by developers and game makers(paid off big time) --like --im sure they all saw the scorpio? --that is 'the part' that gave it away as BS --NO ONE has been 'building'(in secret) on scorpio(so how do they even know what scorpio can do?) --builders hardly have their heads wrapped around xb1/ps4(it is still early-mid 8th gen) --games are just getting started and finished on current hardware --game makers are in the beggining stages and mid stages of getting 8th gen going --NO ONE needs a new console --the whole idea is so illogical --youd have to be a moron to believe it could be true(and also COMPLETELY finished by next holidays?) --such a ridiculous bluff to hype the failing xbox brand and try and get gamers excited about xb1(and the new slims)
@kyelo: --yea --sony is gonna market the shit outta PSVR --and they will have quite the advantage(seeing as how NOONE else 'placed' their product~"product placement"~or used commercial advertising) --i predict PSVR to have a quality start --as far as how long it all lasts? --well i guess we will find out
@hosedandhappy: --witcher 2 was SEVERELY dumbed down to fit on 360(that is old news)
--and it is a different world these days(concerning the state of the MH franchise) --more and more gamers are playing with other players online(dozens of millions) --and spending even more and more time at their gaming consoles --perfect time to retry MH on home consoles(unlike on ps2~which wasnt even online period) --it is where all the hardcore gamers are --besides --i said "they should still do a portable secondary game" --for the 2-4 million people who play MH(thats about all MH ever sells tops) --but there are over 60,000,000 gamers using xb1 and ps4(not even counting the MILLIONS on PC) --that would LOVE monster hunter --i am a western gamer(i want my GTA! and space shooters) --i hate JRPgs --and i hate anime --but --monster hunter is easily one of the greatest games ever made IMO --but only if you play it with others
@Simulator_Shock: --re6 was total garbage(compared to the main 6 games) --yea --they have made some pretty crappy junk/spin off RE games --i was referencing the main AAA franchise titles --since RE7 could be a big win for them --but after what 6 was most gamers dont wanna go through 'that' again --that is all i was saying
@Geocross: --reread what i originally wrote --my very first OP --and tell me where the butthurt is --point out the hate --show me where i was a "fanboy"(like REALLY)
--i care what people think --but i cant help a bunch of fanboys who are so used to being butthurt --that anything that seems slightly negative about xb1 is anti-fanboyism in their scarred psyches --i also own a "day one edition" xb1 controller --you know what one i use?(out of the 4 i own?) --the regular controller
--what have i done wrong here?(i am answering myself) --i foolishly fed a troll --and your personal comebacks are so off course and outta focus --and off topic --i dont even know how to respond --if you wanna turn everything into a misinformed reverse psychology acid trip --make sure you pick 'flower power' as the color scheme for your custom contorller
@Daveof89: --actually --kinda zero 'commercial' advertising --have you seen any commercials with kids wearing VR sets on their heads --riding surfboards --while crazy music plays --and turns the VR into this magical adventure peripheral? --i mean --you know 'real commercials' to sell real products
--yea --if you follow gaming sites you know what VR is --but to everyone else(and even to us to some extint) --they dont even know it exists
--i guarantee you will see some PSVR commercials here soon --dont you remember that "perfect day" ad that made PS4 look like super cool console from around launch? --or those WRETCHED wiiU pre launch commercials --every console ever released had normal commercials --but VR gets about as much commercial advertising as sparkplug wires or mailboxes --it is like --steam box --no hype --no commercial advertising --no product placement --no sells
--yea --i remembered it wrong --MS networth is 370 billion$(Nintendo was 18.4 billion & sony is like 17.7b) --but MS doesn't make 18.4 billion$ a month ha(I want in on that stock)
--here is VR's main problem right here --it isnt being marketed AT ALL --like --NONE --pogo comes out --and in 2 weeks creates more of 'a stir' than the entirety of all video news every --the most closest thing we have to the future of video games comes out --and --no one anywhere says ANYTHING
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