@gamingdevil800: --if so --id guess they are already starting development for a popular home console title --because MH generations really seemed like a last ditch effort --to get one last MH game on the 3ds imo(seemed a bit rushed and short on content) --so now that makes sense
--but --there is still a MH game coming to 3ds in japan --called MH stories
--today's westerners are ready for a full console MH --there are several modern portable ones already --i think making a multiplat MH would be a HUGE win for the franchise --they can afford to make portable ones on the side(also for a backup plan) --and just give the more modernized online systems of gaming consoles atleast one chance --becuase gamers are so much more united online than they were in the ps2 days --and at its core MH is a franchise that when played with others becomes SOO MUCH better --3ds' online systems are shit to say the best
--look at witcher --the first 2 where STUCK on pc --and they were both AMAZING games that NO ONE ever got to play --put it on consoles --BOOM becomes the new standard for a medieval fantasy action game
--i was born in 79 --i grew up in the 80s as a young child(i remember getting ET posters at mcdonalds and...) --and --there was just a certain 'vibe' in the air(as there is with every decade's cultural evolution)
--i was pretty 'taken back' by "stranger things" in general --and yes the story relied on many story tropes we have all seen more than once --but --they nailed the story IMO(a REAL SOLID 'thriller') --but --it wasnt the story (alone) that blew me back(i give the show a perfect score of 10/10) --it was the way the show captures the nostalgia of how the early-mid 80s felt --i mean --there were times when id be watching the show --and id forget it was a show from 2016 --seriously --id be like "this show from the 80's rocks!" --then i would quickly have to realize that it was a modern show
@youre_a_sheep: --it does seem they are really just wasting money advertising the wrong parts of the game --it is a car crime game --and we havent had one since gta5 --and there are none scheduled ANY TIME soon after Mafia3(maybe Yakuza) --so --i think they should focus more on advertising the open world~sand box~car crime madness --cause without solid game-play in 'that area' --this game is gonna suck a little bit --"stories" in car crime games are necessary --but gtaonline sorta proves my point --gamers attracted to this genre just wanna 'play in the sandbox'
@Pawfalcon: --if u are willing to pay 250$ for a wiiU --and are dying to get into some nintendo action --just buy one --i hardly ever play mine(these days anymore) --but --wiiU has like one of the largest lineup of EXCELLENT exclusives available(from any generation) --it is the kinda console that if it is what you are in the mood for --it will deliver 100x over
--also --go ahead and start purchasing games you are interested in(and plotting out deals for those games) --because nintendo's exclusives usually start going up in value as they get older
@Foxhound71: --sony is a super-conglomerate(as is microsoft) --nintendo is a soul corporation --yet --Nintendo has a larger net-worth than the whole of sony --but MS? --well --they are worth a lot --but in reality --MS is only worth about 3x as much as nintendo --yes --Microsoft the ENTIRE super-conglomerate --is only worth about 3 times as much as nintendo
@mprince131: @Geocross@jshah500 --NOOO --i am saying cars cant all be the same color --it would be F'N STUPID(and it would make 30% of the population commit suicide) --but console controllers can ALL be the same color
--a fanboy is simply defined --it is a fan who cant handle the truth like a man
--the only thing i said was --"you dont see your gaming controller very much --so be weary of paying extra for cosmetics" --id rather spend the money on kontrol freek accessories --then you would have something that makes an actual difference --and --i have 2 custom xb1 controllers --i have a camouflage one --and the blue one from amazon(that i just got in a bundle)
--i dont give a f what conclusions you butthurt fanboys come to --yall get so butthurt over this? --i cannot fix your butt hurt --maybe yall can all rub each other's butts with your custom colored xb1 controllers --that NONE of you have bought yet --like no one else has
--it may be short lived --but VR definitely is gonna be a fun trip on playstation --i know everyone says PSVR is gonna be the worst --but --watch that video --and tell me you dont AT LEAST want to take one damn ride on a rollercoaster
--the reason i think VR will have more success on PS4 --becuase it is just more accessable
--these big expensive VRs that require a REALLY strong PC for usage --in my head --they seem like I'd have to be a millionare to get one --i know i could probably fine 1000-1500$ to get a decent pc and VR --but jesus --thats a lot of money
--i was surprised at how well they captured the time frame(emotionally) --one of the only shows were i enjoyed watching the intro(yes even the intro was like taking a trip back to 1984) --for me --one of the best shows Netflix has --not sure a 2nd season will be as good(it would just be revisiting a mystery that is already solved~maybe)
--it seems like sometimes with these new 'series' that drop with all the episodes at once --they are usually done in the first season --also --they mostly feel like a movie that is just several-many hrs long and episodic
TheZeroPercent's comments