TheZeroPercent's comments

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Edited By TheZeroPercent

--wiiu hasnt sold in years!
--this isnt news?
--3ds outsells xb1 EVERY F'N week
--the new xb1 price drop(which makes xb1 cost than a wiiU) will help xb1 sales
--but i still havent seen xb1 outsell 3ds even one week
--nintendo is talking straight BS when they talk about "not making money off of POGO"
--it has been out less than 3 weeks(has only been released in less than a third of its scheduled market)
--there have already been NUMOUROUS contracts signed with MAJOR brands to incorporate pogo into their brand(invluding MCdonalds)
--nintendo has a net worth of 21billion dollars
--losing a coupla hundred million isnt gonna make much difference
--nintendo 'as a whole' isnt losing money(there is NO WAY)
--but wiiU?
--wiiU is dead(now either dance about that fact~or be sad~or turn back to whatever home console you use~because we know it aint wiiU)

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--when did GS start doing opinionated features?

--here is what happened
--xb1 wasnt selling
--ps4 was stomping their head on the floor of a prison shower
--and xb1's brains were oozing through the drain into the sewer
--xbox dropped the xb1 price 50$(it did NOTHING to boost sales)
--so they started grabbing everything IN THE WORLD and dropping some pretty serious bundles(nothing happened)
--so they dropped the price another 70$ and kept bundling(helped a little but not much)
--MS needed a plan
--they sit in board rooms for days(even weeks)
--and they figured it out
--"we need something BIG!
--something amazing!"
--and after some serious figuring
--they created something for gamers to get hyped about
--they created a mythological gaming console
--and they named it scorpio!
--and morons became excited saying
--"look at that picture of a motherboard!"(the only proof the beast exists)
--xbox is awesome!
--and has a future!

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--on my xb1
--when i want to check my "achievements"
--i click on the little 'trophy' icon
--you know?

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--i think something that has become pretty clear
--is that nintendo has a way of 'creating their own customer base'(by creating media frenzied interest)
--they did it with wii
--and recently pokemongo done it
--even though both were luck IMO
--one reason wiiU was a fail(compared to wii)
--was not because it was 'not enough like' a normal console(xb or ps)
--but because it was 'too similar'(notice i said one reason~not the only reason)
--you would think that if Nintendo just wanted their home console to 'sell'
--they would just aim at the demographic that is always at the tv
--little kids and their grandparents(you know~wii's main install base)
--you want a portable to sell
--aim at where all the portable machines are

--another thing is
--the install bases for console have shrunken to being ONLY serious hardcore gamers
--there are not too many people who bought a ps4 or xb1 who werent pretty serious hardcore gamers
--so id say at this point all current hardcore console gamers own either a ps4/xb1 or both
--which IMO(based on charts)
--means there is about 50,000,000 hardcore console gamers currently
--and the majority of those guys
--are not gonna buy a nintendo console
--no matter WHAT nintendo does

--so what does nintendo need?
--there is no fix(as far as if they are gonna make a normal home console)
--NX is most likely DOA

--n64 wasnt a BIG seller or very popular(making cartoonish goofy games while ps1 let developers do as they pleased~ps1 leading us into the future of gaming~while nintendo stayed in the past)
--gamecube was almost a fail
--wii was a bit of luck(created a media frenzy that drew in and created it's own demographic)
--and wiiu was a horrible fail

--i just dont see a very large space for nintendo hardware sitting beside a tv anymore
--and nintendo have to know this

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--what made 3 so amazing imo(a game that i got all the trophies~except i never got around to the dlcs)
--it was 8th gen launch
--and even though the graphics were not much different than 7th gen(even though it didnt look like bad or anything close)
--was the number of zombies that could be on the screen at once
--and the zombies looked unique(almost like there were no duplicates and such)
--of course this was like 3 years ago
--in me head
--i just remember it seeming like there was like thousands of zombies on the screen at once

--and then
--of course
--the weapon and vehicle combos
--that let you mow down the hordes in such fun ways(was what made it 'fun')

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--if you look back
--most of the dlc for RDR was free
--except undead nightmare
--which was a pretty HUGE expansion(even could get it in it's own box)
--even though RDR sold over 10 million units early
--they didnt cash grab the game with quick dlc add ons

--and red dead redemption was a sequel to a red dead revolver(though a 'spiritual successor' and not a direct sequel)
--regarding the next red dead game
--it has already pretty much been 'heard through the grapevine'
--that red dead3 will be a prequel to RDR
--sorta like 'picking up' right around the time that marston was running with that gang
--like we will get to 'play out' all the stuff he was seeking redemption for in RDR

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--i started gaming back in the 80s
--i dont wanna 'go backwards'
--it took us SO LONG to get where we are today
--it is like they say
--theyll never know the struggle

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Edited By TheZeroPercent


--it was just that my little cousin who as born about 93ish
--just LOVED some gotdang pokemon
--it's popularity never bothered me(and neither does pogo)
--i just never understood(even though honestly i have literally never even 'touched' a Pokemon game)
--and i figured i was too old 'to get it'(or something like that)
--but now it is like 2 decades later
--and my little cousin is a full grown man
--and i havent an ounce of youth left in me
--and pokemon is trying to take over the universe

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--im not sure how old you are
--but i was born in 79
--i remember when adventure card games were just as fun and even better than many video games
--i dont know
--i just always saw pokemon as like a card game
--during it's rise to fame
--we were JUST getting solid 3 dimensional gaming going
--and the first realistic graphics
--DEEP games that could steal hours of your day away
--i just never found pokemon appealing during that time frame
--it just
--it seemed very antiquated and
--i was never drawn into it

--and i loath turnbased combat(always have)
--i have tried to add it to my list of genres i can enjoy
--i just cant

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Edited By TheZeroPercent

--i have NEVER like pokemom
--or phone app games
--im more of a full AAA hardcore kinda guy