--you really missed the point there --the first half of 7th gen(for like 5 years straight) --wii STEADILY un-relentlessy outsold 360 and ps3 combined --so --Microsoft used kinect1 to stop them --and they pulled it off perfectly --even going as far as to almost put nintendo out the home console business --just a few years after Nintendo dominated the sales charts for over half of the generation
@Jdzspace: --Nintendo had to shoot wiiU in the back of the head --literally it is dead hardware(same thing with vita~PS already announced vita as dead hardware) --business is all about competition --if your product isnt competing in it's market --you try to revive the brand and the product(like MS has tried with the MAJOR price drops~super bundles~ and the mythical scorpio) --and if you cant save it(or make it compete) --you kill it --and get a new one
--it is like a racing horse --he may be one of the most beautiful horses ever bred --hell --he may be able to learn the English language --and how to use an ipad with his hoofs --but --if he comes in last place EVERY race --you shoot him in the back of the head(while he isn't looking) --I mean --if all he is was bred for is racing (obviously a horse that could talk would not be killed~but he'd be taken out of racing)
@Lizard_King89: --yea --and a lot of people make negative comments about the shark cards --but --i played almost 500hrs in gtaO and i never bought one card --i did the heists so much that i could almost do them blindfolded --and between me and my friends we bought everything(including the largest yaht) --so --there really is no argument --R* is the best when it comes to not milking the customer
--they could have dropped several single player dlcs(charging upward of 20$ each for em) --and made hundreds of millions --they could of charge small amounts for all these online dlcs and made MILLIONS --yet --they dont milk franchises --and it is almost unbelievable how they dont
--microsoft is a monopolizer --plain and simple --if you wanna see some of their best work ever in the gaming market --look at how they used kinect1 to destroy the motion gaming market --they made nintendo's next move for em --"HD motion gaming" --they flooded the market with under-stewed motion garbage --making motion look TERRIBLE --this nleft nintendo having to pull out a console idea that was OLD(wiiU was originally a DSdual screen home console concept) --wiiU was not supposed to be wii's successor(wiiU was a half baked older idea that had stalled in development hell) --wii2 was supposed to be wiis successor --then --the most f'd up part --microsoft then killed the entire market by not making any motion games in 8th gen
--will a monopolizer kill off a market just to own it? --yes --when you are a company like MS --the best competition is no competition --but it gets better --so for 8th gen --nintendo was left with no where to go(no HD motion demand) --ending up having to run with a half-baked idea(the wiiU)
--what did MS accomplish? --well you have heard of the wiiU? --it is Nintendo's biggest fail of a console ever easily --and yes --Microsoft forced that into existence --MS ran nintendo outta the home console industry
@snugglebear: --but really --why?(make a normal console) --i mean --even xb1 is hardly surviving in that market --nitnendo hasnt made a 'fully normal' console since like snes --gamecube was close --but it was purple ha --shaped like a lunch box --played miniature discs --had a pretty abnormal controller --and it had a damn handle on the console(where are we going nintendo?)
--nintendo just doesnt make normal consoles --and they never will --i have loved my wiiU --although i will admit --as many of its games as i own --i have hardly ever have played it
--i have always predicted --Nintendo will continue to drop strange weird little goofy looking consoles(that play goofy little games) --for the next 100 years --just cause that is sorta their M/O
--TR1(1996-97) --was one of the biggest games of my gaming life --it showed me (literally) how to handle a 3 dimensional world in 3rd person --and it showed me how to hang from a cliff while shooting a tiger with a mac10 --then do a back flip off the wall and gun down some enemies with my dual welding mac 10s --a new era in gaming had come --and i was BLOWN AWAY(skip work~close the curtains~i now 'live in the game' with Lara) --many future titles kept my interest in the franchise --and yes --it faded out over the years
--so --i played the first of the new TRs(and beat it) --it was a great game --but the whole time i was just like??? --how is this not the most generic 'style of game' to replace the masterful 'acrobatic' mechanics of the original TRs --is there even any skill required to beat the game?(can grandma beat this game?) --it wasnt the characters(or lara) or the story --it was the lack of puzzle based 'action'(the game was a cakewalk) --as far as im concerned --they ruined the franchise's genre styling(acrobatic action based around HUGE confusing AS HELL puzzles) --and i just have no interest in ANY kinda sequel
0_o --we must be honest --it sounds worse than wii and wiiU put together --actually --it kinda sounds like wii and wiiU put together --with a cartridge slot
--sounds like a fail to me --but --sigh --im still stoked --love new consoles --it is a LITTLE early for a new nintendo console generation --but not by too much
@graffitiheart: --im am not hating on xbox --i am just telling the truth --i dont even hate Microsoft(hell i am a red blooded american dude) --the truth is --xb1 is not selling --and MS is doing everything they can to get the sales numbers up --ironically --they are just doing what i was ALWAYS saying nintendo shoulda done with wiiU years ago --drop the price(A LOT) --bundle the hell out of it --and i also said wiiU needed more fresh AAA IPs(because wiiU couldnt run 8th gen multiplats)
--the truth is xbox is struggling to "compete" in the 8th gen home console market --you cited VG chartz --which factually states that as of july 16th --xb1 was 28.2% of the 8th gen home console market --and ps4 is 54.8%
--the truth now is --MS is basically giving xb1s away to keep sales charts numbers from proving such a HUGE lack of competition --and if you look at the xb1 sales numbers in your vg reference --those numbers are very accurate --becuase xb1 sales are 'going up' a little bit(they were hanging more around 40,000 a week) --becuase they are literally giving them away
--more proof in the pudding lies in the software sales --ps4 is DESTROYING xb1 in that department(the main reason xbox is just killing off xb1 and moving on to a new console) --xb1 is not "competing"(period)
@koospetoors: --mafia 3 is QUITE a step in a different direction for the franchise --at first it may seem like almost an overstep --or a mistake --but --after hearing about it over the last year or so --and there not being any real sandbox car crime games in years(my favorite genre) --im pretty hyped about it
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