@xenomorphalien: --you dont understand something here --it is called competition --no matter HOW MANY units of your product you sell --if your only competitor has outsold you by double in 3years --and has started selling 3 times more a week than you no matter what you do(price drops ~ bundles) --your product has failed it's market
--i mean shit --wiiU has a pretty solid 30-40,000 unit a week sale record(competing currently with xb1 sales) --but --it didnt 'compete'(and so nintendo shot it in the head) --it is called competition
@kentray1985: --last gen i praised 360 --it had a brand new modernized highly ergonomic controller(ps3 had a ps1 controller) --it had TOP NOTCH exclusives right out of the gate --the 360's online systems were WAY more functional than ps3's jacked up shit --i just dont give a shit(about xb vs ps) --ive been buying consoles at or around launch since 4th gen(i saw gameboy launch) --i remember when all there was was Nintendo vs Sega(and a few other WAY overpriced console brands)
--ps4? --hate the controller(even though it works just fine~i hate the triggers) --i hate the OS(even though it works fine) --but --at the same time --i sorta hate the xb1 redesign of the 360's controller(WAY too many changes to a design that worked great) --honestly --i kinda hate both consoles --and i just play on them --i played horizon2 last night --tonight i am raiding on destiny with my crew of close gaming buds(and we cross consoles also) --so --go game --beleice whatever --but believe you me --i am not your average fanboi MFer --a fanboy is simply defined --it is a fan of a brand that can not handle the truth like a man(everything i have said about xbox is true)
@xenomorphalien: --well --xb1 sells are dismal at best(sony is drowning them out by almost biblical proportions) --that is why all the price drops and sales --yet the xb1 still isnt selling --and i guarantee you --xb is trying to sell xb1s(with this move) --cause if they dont start selling some(even by giving em away as they basically are) --i mean --idk what to tell them --but i would give them the same advice i have been giving nintendo about wiiU for years --MORE GAMES IDIOTS --the system needs MORE GAMES --but --atleast xbox took the advice i gave wiuu --DROP THE PRICE DUMBASS --AND MAKE HUGE BUNDLES
@kentray1985: --well i dont want to break your heart(if you wanna be a detective or a psychic) --but --we own 2 wiiUs(mainly just for monster hunter) --2 ps4s(main platform) --2 3dsxls(just for monster hunter) --and most recently 2 xb1s(mainly for racing games~upcoming horizon 3) --cause --we just be playing a lot of video games together --ya know --in the same house
--i know right? --where do we get ALL THAT F'N money(am i donald trump's son?) --with big screen tvs being priced like its an after christmas sell --and all the xb1 bundles that basically give xb1s away --how could i possibly have picked up these 8 consoles over 5 years(between 2 full grown adults)
--i have also owned every single 8th gen console since it's launch day --imagine that --a gamer who like console launches --and video games
--you see --perhaps the gaming gods have brought you across my path --and maybe one day you will see the gaming light --and come top the realitization --that all great games are to be played and enjoyed --no matter who makes them or owns them --oh and yes --i will knee any brand in the nuts --whenever i feel like it
--nintendo is a soul corporation --sony is a super-conglomerate --nintendo was worth more alone than the entire sony entity(before pogo) --in fairness you must compare nintendo to what PlayStation(or xbox) pulloff financially --these are not the same sorta businesses --and --nintendo is a company that is ONLY a gaming corporation --run by gamers --and with gaming at its heart
--the cash they picked up off of pogo has cemented nintendo to 'be around' upwards of the next 100 years --and it did it in 2 weeks --they will make more from that situation --nintendo has failed in home console sales with wiiU --but basically EVERYTHING ELSE they do has been a MAJOR success(including believe it or not many wiiU games)
--and as far as xbox --the brand xbox has always been a sinkhole for MS --rumored to have lost the company as much as 300billion in unreturned investments since it's inception in the late 90s(yes 300 billion)
--of xbox and pl;aystation had to compete alone(without super conglomerates supporting them) --theyda never made it to made it to market --and as far as wht those two companies have made(in turnover)? --it is not all that much --and xbox has never made shit
--another ploy by xbox to get some users back on xblive --you cant blame them --ya gotta do what ya gotta do --but --this is just sad
--you must understand --i dont wanna see xbox ir xb1 fail --i was a HUGE early supporter of kinnect2(naively believing all the shit xbox promised K2 would be) --and the xb1(still owning a "day one Xb1" that i still use) --however --kinect2 was so horrible that it almost made me throw-up(like 'that feeling' when a good friend steals your girlfriend or something) --and early on the xb1 exclusives were dog shit(except dead rising 3 which was AMAZING) --but it wasnt even that --kinect sucked ass(yet required me to use it~sorta a kick in the nuts~if you unplugged it an error message would stay on the screen) --i got a ps4 at launch --and i mean --it just 'felt right'(and it became my main platform for multi-plats) --and i guess based on sales numbers(numbers that were mostly tied most of last gen~between 360 and ps3) --i was once again correct in my assumptions of a gaming based future reality
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