@CallMeDuraSouka: --no --gaming has become a bit swampy(especially if you were gaming back before thumbsticks and 3 dimensional worlds) --i am the HUGEST of all the GTA fans --but i thought gta5 was EXTREMELY rehashy(great game but rehashy as hell) --i was talking with someone else recently --it has basically been 20 years since a real innovation(games like mario64 and tomb raider1 being sorta the same as games today~just better graphics and mechanics) --id say --maybe(big maybe here) --but --take a break --get a new hobbie --youll come back --i guarantee
--add around 15 billion to the equation(with pogo raising their stock caps) --nintendo already had a net worth of 21.7 billion(more than the entire super-conglomerate of sony at 17.7 b) --also --nitnendo has been a gaming company since 1889(yes since the 19th century) --so --you havent exactly gotta be Nostradamus --plus Nostradamus wasn't so direct(or right) --he may have used a horse --and some wind --and maybe some rain to say it --like "and a strong galloping horse was in full force until the wind rose the rain! oh how it fell then in the 2nd evening of the clearing the horse doubled in force and pulled the chariot twice past the highest peak into the resemblance of past structuring it was then that the outcome became obvious"
@pongley: --i can assure you --as soon as sony's check cleared(oh what a day for them) --their development PCs were all fine tuned to match a ps4's specs
@Xristophoros: --its a guess --but id guess the majority of ps4 owners who dont have PS+ --dont play their PS very much AT ALL --remember "majority" only starts at 51%
@skemaal: --well to be honest --i bought a mid level gaming K&M --and --man what a POS --i swear --80% of my letters wore off in the first few months --the only letters i have visible are --qwertyuasdfghjzxb --many of the other keys are bare also --but --man --that dash button looks brand new
@turbojugend16: --all games are built on a pc tower --when they build console games --developers have a spec limit(so the game is built on pc but 'for a console') --a great example of the opposite of this --is witcher 2 --where the original was built to STRONG PC specs(for it's time) --and then later was 'downgraded' to work on a 360
--so you dont build most games --especially AAAs "on a console" --they are built "for consoles" --these days MOST AAAs are built for consoles --and then the same exact game is ported to PC(which is still a superior version(most times)~but it just aint like the old days~lets put it this way~it aint really anything to brag about)
@justerthought: --i am very excited --and i can almost fully assure you --"it will not suck"
--what is the score for suck? --i mean it is like below 5/10 --so... --i am not so sure why you are so offended by my interest and excitement in a new AAA title release --this is a gaming website --and i am not your leader
TheZeroPercent's comments