--it doesnt matter --nintendo has officially assured the ninteod brand will still be around LONG after we are all dead --before pogo --it was only guaranteed for about 30-50 years
@ExoticCharm: --pretty sure the game was developed on console --and then 'ported' to PC --as are most multi-plats these days --not that i condone this sorta activity --but it is the reality we live in these days --games built on console specs(with crap PC ports)
@CallMeDuraSouka: --you do know that --once you download a game to your harddrive(the free games with PS+) --it is permanently yours until you delete it --so --get a decent 2-3TB hardrive(or as large as you can afford~look at this sucker
--get PS+ --and download every free game each month --i think the same goes for xb gold games also(the permanent part) --and you can get a full year of xb gold for 40$
@CallMeDuraSouka: --agh --i wouldnt count on this one single game to reignite ALL the 'joys of your gaming youth' ha --but --i do have some advice... --do not 'expect' --it is my philosophy that "expectation is the best friend of disappointment" --just --let the game 'do its thing' --ya know? --give the game some time(like the time it requires~unjudged) --and let it be itself
--this title is just the AAA season's opener(even a little early really~it was more supposed to be a early summer game) --so --i am 'still' PRETTY GOTDAM STOKED about --mafia 3 and --final fantasy 15 --and those top 2 are HUGE F'N games(there are lots of games this year) --but even early next year --you got shit like --zelda --scalebound --mass effect
--also --if you are just TOTALLY burned out(on similarity and familiarity) --dude --throw down a few(several) hundred bucks --and give vr a shot
@Flyin3lvl: --you can buy replacement thumbstick covers for a few dollars each for any controller --you can get like 10 for 10$ on ebay from china(takes a few weeks shipping) --or if you need em fast for about 10$ a set from the US(im not sure where you live but either way) --just watch a youtube video on how to take apart and reassemble a controller(and just take your time) --i recommend replacing them about every few months --but --ive gotten to the point where i prefer some Kontrolfreeks on my ps4 thumbsticks --so ill replace the covers --and then put some KF tips on --and seriously --ill 'set them' like I like em(on the thumbsticks) --and then screw them into the original thumbstick knobs(with 2 screws each) --because otherwise theyll spin --and sometimes pop off
--and ill tell ya --once i got used to the kontrol freek tips http://www.kontrolfreek.com/ --there was really no turning back
--ha --there is NO WAY this game is gonna 'suck' --i mean --i never pre-order anything(unless i want the CEs) --so --either way --but this is a BIGGIE... --im more of a full AAA kinda guy myself --and this game? --it is very exciting imo --a HELL OF A START to the beginning of 'that time of year' that the best AAAs start coming out --but these days --they just seem to pour down like rain
--they are trying to keep the weekly xb1 sales numbers from looking so bad| --3ds outsells xb1 each week --ps4 blows xb1 sales outta the water each week by usually almost 3 times as many units sold --and xb1's weekly numbers are starting to look more like wiiU's --and get this --they have been dropping the price of xb1 for MONTHS --and they have been bundling xb1s with ALL KINDS OF great extras --ALL just to get the dismal sales numbers they have --ps4 and 3ds AND wiiU(wiiU now costs more than xb1) are all just their selling consoles normally(to get their numbers)
--i have a minor understanding of how products work and of how corporations handle failing brands(and a lil common sense) --"Scorpio" is not real --it is a very common technique used in business to help a failing product/brand --if a product isnt selling --even after you drop the price --bundle it(and EVERYTHING) --your last move is to make an attempt to make the brand seem like it has a bright future --anyway you can(almost always using lies ha) --scorpio isnt anything except a reason for people to believe xbox isnt a failing brand --scorpio was invented to sell xb1s and the upcoming slim models
--heres some of the common sense part --if xbox was making a 'brand new' power house console in a year --why would they make a BUTT TON of BRAND NEW xb1slims only months before? --ESPECIALLY since xb1 isnt even selling? --the only thing that makes sense --is that scorpio is there to make the xbox brand look like a viable product of the future --and help boost xb1 sales(and the new xb1 slim) --also --think of this --what games are they gonna sell to launch scorpio? --there is NO WAY IN HELL any developer has developed a new game for a console that is 6x stronger than xb1
TheZeroPercent's comments