@louixiii: --i bought a 2nd xb1(for in house co-op gaming) on amazon during amazon's one day sell a coupla weeks ago --i got --the console and controller --an extra controller that was a cool blue color --copy of horizon 2 --copy of forza 6 --collectors edition of halo 5(hard copy with a bunch of halo stuff in a steel book) --50$ amazon card --2 day shipping --they charged my credit card for like 248$ --haha
--and ill tell you something --i only like racing games every now and then(but i have always loved a little racing) --horizon 2 is THE F'N SHHHUUT
@themacaster96: they did know where some of the Saviours were. They drove to that satalite base, remember? They also was able to defeat them so easily, sneaking up on them while they were sleeping (come on), showing that they were clumsy. However, all of a sudden they are a very well orgabised group that somehow knew where Rick's group was going at every turn. How did they do this?
--the first attack wasnt the saviors main base(the satellite base) --it was just a large group of em at an outpost --they had NO IDEA and got caught off guard --once they were aware they were under attack --they contracted negan --and all the saviors regrouped and tightened up their defense(closer to home) --also --it worked in the savior's favor --because rick's group started moving in that direction --which is why it felt like the warriors had them trapped --because they were on savior's territory(and the saviors were on high alert)
Also, saying that a TV show is supposed to be less detailed than the comcic book is complete bull. What do you think the reaction would be from everyone if Kirkman came out and said that? If you're putting less detail in to the show it's just plain laziness.
--it is just the way cinema is --when you are writing you can do ANYTHING --not so with a camera lens --you gotta have zombies and backdrops and actors that can 'pull off' the writing --when you write worlds and characters into existence --you just put whatever you feel/imagine --so --if a piece of cinema is based on a well written piece of work --the motion picture just cant go all the places the written word can --which is why most people always say --"the book was MUCH better than the movie"
You also said what they did was nothing like you've ever seen before. Leaving a season on a cliffhanger of not being sure if someone died has been done loads of times before
--i was talking about the way it is like a lottery --or 'spin the wheel' of which of all these VERY beloved characters is gonna die
--as far as all the other stuff you said --i mean --it is just a stupid zombie gore drama --at the end of each season --all that really makes the show work is the setting and the zombies(unlike how a show like breaking bad had NOTHING but the narrative) --the writing is fine by me(i agree it isnt top notch writing~but im not sure they are even trying to have it be) --as far as your opinion(your insight is passionate which makes it interesting) --but to be honest with you --you just seem to take the show too seriously --it is like a zombie rollercoaster ride --just throw your hands up --yell AGHHHH --and enjoy it as much as you can
--TWD is a SOLID tv show --and you cant tell me you arent excited to see how negan plays out this season --here we are 6 damn years since the first season(most show ideas never get a pilot shot) --and the show is still 'hanging in there' just fine IMO
--remember when gamesites used to do these articles --but only use the models that the gaming companies hired --it was always so nice --thinking that a boat load of perfect 9s and 10s were warm hearted gaming dorks
@themacaster96: "...the episode was awful, probably the worst episode the entire series has had. It was extended to an hour and a half, yet it was filled with 45 minutes of commercials...." -- --the episode was 65 minutes long(with 25 minutes of commercials) --also it wasnt "45 minutes of driving a RV back and forth" --you start your argument with this ridiculously overblown untruth(come on now~u can do better~or this isnt even worth my time)
"...it also makes no logical sense that The Saviours are so easily outmaneuvered by Rick's group in previous episodes, but in the finale they're clever enough to place roadblocks precisely on every destination they were heading.." -- --this was showing that ricks group were 'getting deeper and deeper into the saviors territory' --ricks group didn't know where they were(night was closing in) --and the saviors were saying you are "getting closer"(by showing off their familiarity with the territory) --it creates that 'descending into' the gates of hell feel(very common cinematic setup)
"...The lead up to Neagan's arrival was so disappointing and was a lot better in the comics, like so many other things... -- --idk(not imo) --that is just your opinion --was it better than the comics --i dont watch the show hoping itll be better than the comics --i can enjoy both deliveries for 'what they are' --remember --the comic s come out once a month year round --the show is did once a week for a coupla months before christmas and the same a lil after --so 'the flow' is different --you can read a comic in 10 minutes --a tv episode is more like 45 minutes --so you cant compare the comics to the show on a perfect scale --most cinematography that is based on a popular writing is usually A LOT less detailed(that is a basic reality)
"...By the way, yes you can end a season with the death of a character, no matter how cruel it may be. ? Did you see when Jon Snow was killed right at the end of season 5?..." -- --different scenario(also GoT has about half as many viewers as TWD) --first of all --john snow was brought back to life(there is 'magic' in GoT~we knew the powerful red witch was in jon's life~plus it is just rr martin's M/O to kill off beloved characters at any moment) --so instead of 'copying' GoT(TWD did their own thing~something unlike ANYTHING ive ever seen) --which was MUCH MORE of a cliffhanger --in TWD comics Glen's is EASILY the most horrible death EVER(so they didnt wanna just piss it out on a finale) --it is genius because it isnt a question of if a particular character dies(like with snow) --it is a big eeny, meeny, miny, moe thing(like a lottery or spinning the wheel on the price is right) --a big WHO THE F IS GONNA GET THEIR SKULL SMASHED(hell people who dont follow the comics wont believe Neagan's 'style'~many of these types probably figure theyll all escape Lucille somehow) --like i said --a touch of genius(imo) --because it was already written a certain way in the comics --so i think they handled it PERFECTLY on the show
"...Finally, the show as a whole has never been great..." --please define "great" cause that is an 8/10 --is the show an 8/10 ? --AT LEAST --god --if you dont want a show(or like it) --just read the comics(which jumped the shark A LONG time ago) --and have become a HUGE suckfest with ezekiel( and then starting right around the time they started 'quickly aging' carl to match the tv show) --and then the people who walk around dressed as zombies is the dumbest shit the comics have ever done by a LONG shot(the skin people caused me to lose interest in the comic~even though i still buy then~i havent read one in MONTHS)
TheZeroPercent's comments