@louixiii: --i dont think i finished hardly one full AAA all year --a lot for the same reason as i didnt finish MGS5 --the games are SOOO DEEEP --at the same time that it is awesome --it can almost become a chore --because there are SO MANY damn AAAs that i just have to atleast 'try' --so yeah --it leaves zero room for little games like this one --but ill tell ya --some of the best 'experiences' ive ever had in gaming --came from some of these little weird games like this one
@Marky360: --im not saying they shouldn't make GOW4(any more than nintendo shouldnt have made mario kart 8) --i am saying xbox should have scheduled more 'brand defining' fresh IPs --i assure you --i only speak what i see to be truth(not biased BS) --sure playstation did the same crap with uncharted 4(who F'n cares about uncharted 4??) --and i am even more excited about the genre of state of decay 2 than i am days gone --but even when we talk about dead rising --it isnt a 'console brand defining game' --like gears of war for xbox --or god of war for playstation(mario for nintendo~sonic for sega) --xb1 needs a game that defines the console --but --i mean yes --ps4 sorta has a lack of 'brand defining' exclusives --it is weird really --because in my head --the only thing that really defines or separates the 2 consoles --are the colors blue and green ha
--i assure you --i only look for the best games --i could care less what console they come on --i own every console there is(not of all time~but close)
@imjust1joe: --follow me back(on your profile) --we have a lot of fun here on GS --the more the merrier --but i will warn you --im HEAVILY unbiased --and i will give nintendo a thorough thrashing just as quickly as ill praise em(and any brand at that) ha
@louixiii: --it is aggrivating sometimes --id love to check out most of these little games that score so damn high --just dont have the time --plus im super cheap --ill end up picking em all up when they go on sale for a few dollars each --then --ill still never find time to play em
@rasdorx: --if they didnt care about xb1 sales --they wouldnt be doing EVERYTHING they can to sell it --price drop after price drop(xb1 currently costs less than a wiiU) --bundle after bundle(basically giving it away) --still wont sell? --create a god in the sky myth console(for gamers to dream of) --before gamers completely forget what xbox is
--like i said --wiiU still sells decent numbers --barely less than xb1 --but --the wiiU didnt "compete" --so they slit it's throat
@Marky360: --a big mistake MS made with xb1(game-wise) --is they put all their eggs in one basket on titanfall --i guess they were cocky(sorta like nintendo was with wiiU) --they figured --we made halo --we basically invented and popularized the modern online multiplayer console --and we even shit out gears of war(on a shart) --so --of course if they made this massively funded --super hyped --well designed shooter for the xb1 --it will at least be half as successful as halo or gears was
--and then titanfall was just this empty mess(the game felt like a demo~a VERY shallow game~almost arcadish) --so then --you also got sunset overdrive(which i just finished~i got it for 10$ and beat it to say i did) --fun little game(on par with infamousSS~but not much of a franchise to build ANYTHING on) --im not sure what xbox has been thinking with their first 3 years of xb1 exclusives --but if you look at 360's first 3 years of exclusives --and compare it to xb1's --i mean --there is no comparison
--xb1 just never popped off 'that game' (wiiu had the same exact problem) --it seemed so easy with halo and gears --so --what do they do? --exactly what Nintendo did with wiiU --bring back all the older franchises --gears of war 4? --i LOVED gears of war 2 --but even 3 felt forced --THEN they dropped judgement --so a fourth one?(actually the 5th one) --who cares?(just like halo 5) --weve done that already --fire hosing bubbly popping aliens with chainsaw guns(and no jumping)
--what kinda games did xb1 need? --more new IPs(like titanfall) --look at wiiU --what kinda games did it need? --games like zombiU(more mature thems and deep rpg mechanics) --serious less nintendoughy games
--so for xb1 --it just needed more new ips --the kinda franchises that 'define the xbox brand' --they tried to do it with titanfall --but they shoulda made about 3 more 'brand defining' Ips over the last 3 years --one hit woulda saved xb1(from being a multiplat only console that has no real 'identity') --it is sad --because xb1's only true identity is defined by early gen failure(like kinect2 and online services and angry gamers who hate what xbox tried SOOO BAD that they bough a ps4 instead)
TheZeroPercent's comments