--i think i either got psyched out buy the reviews(with LIMBO) --everyone was giving it perfect scores and 9/10s| --or --the game just was not as good as was claimed --so --when i went in to play it --i was sorta expecting more than what it was --which imo --was just an average side scrolling puzzle game(like a 7/10 but at most 8/10)
@d-man: --im 36 and i havent drawn a picture since like 1993 --i knew a guy(years ago)who could sit and draw a picture of you --and make it look JUST like the real you(plus he could imitate other's styles~and had a style or 2 of his own) --he could paint at a pretty high caliber also(but he wasn't a master with the brush like he was with the drawings) --odd thing though --he wasnt 'really' an 'artist' --he could just draw like a MF'r --so what did he do? --stuff like hold daily art lessons with 12-24 people per hour --at 100$ an hr per person(and crap like that) --cause he wasn't restrained to any artistic convictions
--art is meant to 'move' the human spirit in ways that are true and undefiled --if an artist breaks his truest convictions for popularity or income --he is not creating art --he is pimping his soul --and making a product
@oflow: --im more excited for xb1 games than most(actually playing them vs trying to gloat) --doesnt change the fact that ps4 gets probably more than double --of the little indie games(simply because they have double the install base of xb1) --and many of them are great games --also --my comment really had no fanboy bias to it --it is just that when you 'speak the truth' about ps4 vs xb1 --you are gonna sound like you love tootin PS's horn(which i could care less about)
--does xbox even try to get games on xb1 anymore? --i mean i couldnt run xbox(be their ceo) --but --i know what i want as a gamer --and i understand gaming --here --ill show you something --why was 3ds failing in it's first year(headed down the same route wiiU ended up on)? --because nintendo messed up the marketing --everyone thought 3ds was a DS with a 3d effect added in(EVERYONE~some still do~and it is still N's fault) --but actually --3ds had WAY MORE horsepower than DS --in reality --it was DS2 --so why did they call it 3ds? --because they made a mistake --so anyways.... --what saved 3ds(and turned it into one of the most successful consoles ever)? --a MAJOR contributer was --MASSIVE AMOUNTS of little weird games on it's eshop --PILES of them --just STACKING and STACKING and STACKING(every month) --mixed with solid AAA titles/exclusives --so why didnt wiiU succeed? --it had PLENTY of top notch AAA exclusives --it was the little games(of course it also couldnt play multiplats~but that is a different point) --you see --today --in the console world --the eshop has become just as important as the AAA exclusives(maybe more) --so --we can sit here all day and say ps4 has sold 42.4m units vs xb1's 21.8m --and we can say xb1 is 28.2% of the 8th gen home console market --while ps4 is 54.8% --but --the real win for ps4 is 'these little games'(and also many of the bigger ones) --and ALL THAT F'N activity on the eshop
--i finally got around to trying this game out because it was free on xbl(it is really good) --but --i thought the game's MP was 6player vs 6p(it is 5 vs 5 or 5p v ai/pve) --sorta surprised --cause i thought this WHOLE time that it was 6 vs 6 --and --i was planning on getting it --cause --i have played with the same 6 players(5 others 6 including me) --for like 6 months to a year --not that we cant drop a player(here and there to play it) --but --id rather not(we could have like 6seige sundays~or something ya know) --and i just wish there were more games were 6 people(or more) could do more than --run around on regular old shooter maps --i actually bore pretty quickly with 'standard' PVP multiplayer(like cod)
TheZeroPercent's comments