@heydink: --"structured defined missions"? --you mean linear missions? --cause open world has gone and come and has sorta become the standard of most adventure games --the reason 'no mans sky' is so important(and potentially the future or groundbreaking) --is because it takes the basic open world structure we've had since gta3 --and takes that "open world" concept --and turns it into something new(like open space/universe ha)
--in 10 years --we will be able to look back --and it will be VERY OBVIOUS how much influence no mans sky had --sometimes it is hard to see 'the big picture' --because it is very big --and we are standing right in front of it
@firedrakes: --i have so many 100s of hours in destiny --if they are pandering(only) --they are doing a bad job --what do i wanna see?(sparrow skins and a rocket laucher? ha) --new map area(sold) --new raid(SOLD) --new strike(great) --just that alone is worth 30$ to me
--i bet me and what are now my 5 closest gaming friends ever(my raid crew~with almost a solid year together) --have played that damn kings fall raid 150 times(or more) --do we do it becuase the raid is awesome? --yes --but we also just enjoy working together to make something happen --that you just cant do alone --we can knowck out kings fall raid on hard in about 60-75 minutes(i think the recoird is just oiver 30 minutes) --but --we just have so much fun playing 'together' --that is what destiny is all about --if i had to play the game alone --ida played about a month or 2 and never picked it up again --gotta build that raid crew!
@mboettcher: --oh is "started" gaming when i was like 2 or 3 --my parents had a pong --and then there were the arcade cabs everywhere --but --in the summer of 1986 i was 7(my aunt gave me here atari about about 40-60 games) --and it was that summer that i started gaming 'hardcore' --i have basically followed gaming as a hardcore player every since --the first game i ever got dead serious about was pitfall ha
@Super_Tramp: --i assure you --i hated windows 10 also --but after using it for about a year or more like 8 months --it is better than the other windows --plus they are shutting off support for some of them --i know my windows 7 wont even update(or stay asleep~NO MATTER WHAT I DO!) --so --im getting ready to upgrade that tower to 10
--id say the main thing to be weary of --is personal information safety --MS has already made you sign a contract saying they are not responsible for any saftey concerns before 10 --and they have warned that there will be safety concerns in their older OSs
@darksouls: --loved running from the cops --and loved being the cops --and --iot wouldnt bother me if they incorporated the 'cops system' into horizon --but --im good for now
@Flyin3lvl: --ive owned a xb1 day one edition since day one(i put it away after titanfail sucked so bad) --i bought a 2nd xb1(last week) to play racing games with my wife(we have used 2 consoles since around 07ish)(been on ps4 mainly recently~we are pretty stoked to haqve two of all the 8th gen consles now exceopt vita~we only have one vita) --we game together --we got the hankering for a racing game(she can drift~girl can play ha~she is actually better at FPS MP than i am ha) --and as you said the ONLY thing on ps4 is very 7/10 type racers and track mania is awesome(but it lacks true MP racing~i like to being able to 'bump into' the racers around me~track mania turns everyone into ghosts) --so i got QUITE a deal on an xb1(lets put it this way~they basically game me the console) --and like i said --horizon 2 was QUITE the surprise --and --im pretty excited about getting around to storm island dlc --and what the future for horizon 3 holds --definitely my go to race fix for now
@7tizz: --ive narrowed it down to this one --apparently it is a good starter stick(EXCELLENT price point) --and is still fully up-gradable with high-end pro parts(and isnt soldered it is just clipped together with metal pieces)
TheZeroPercent's comments