@onilord666 @The_Beanster You mean except for the fact that it's confirmed that AMD is doing the CPUs and I believe also the GPUs for both the 720 and PS4. Exactly what they're doing isn't confirmed yet, but it's going to be AMD.
Hey Gamespot, you know that slide at the top of this article about the supposed Xbox 720 specs was a hoax, right? The rest of the internet got that memo a week ago.
@kaiserdisco I dunno... I think they just need to stop giving the middle finger to third party devs. If a Nintendo console was on equal third-party (and for me, technological) footing with the other consoles, I'd be back on their bandwagon in a millisecond. I miss Zelda/Mario/Super Smash but I'm just not interested in buying a console for those things only. Not when I already have old copies of what are essentially the same games on my SNES, N64, GBC and GBA.
@Sp0ilzbury @The_Beanster Sorry to burst your bubble but I've never owned CoD. Tried the PC demo of CoD 4 back when that came out and didn't like it, never bought one of the games.
Every single platform has good exclusives, which often are based on franchises which like Nintendo's don't evolve too much over time. Ever single platform other than Nintendo's also has good third party games and up to date (somewhat) technology. Those things combine for me to not have any interest in Nintendo's consoles.
The_Beanster's comments